Suffer for the ones we love.....

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Wynter’s P.O.V.
        The routine continued and I became more terrified of men than I had ever been in my life. 5 men so far had done the same thing that Dallas did on the first day I got to this place. They passed the women around in this ‘camp.’  All of us needed safety to survive and they were taking that away from us. All the women’s dignity, pride, modesty, everything gone. I was glad they didn’t dare lay a hand on Skylar. I continued to take Melody’s place every chance I could, so she wouldn’t have to suffer. Some days though I would get beat and cut for taking her place.
           I was so drained though that nobody cried anymore. We just got used to it.  I rose from the bed and staggered over to the dresser where my new outfit would be. A look of disbelief was plastered on my face. There were jeans and a long sleeved shirt. This is too good to be true. Why the hell would they let us act modest now? When I looked at Melody she had the same reaction as me. She shook her head. “They must have spotted a group of people. They lure them, and then they either recruit the men or kill them and take the women. It’s rare for new groups to come rolling in. However we are part of their sick games. We have to act like everything’s fine or we die. To be honest I wish I was smart enough to pick death.” Melody explained and I looked down. “I’m just glad we have good and warm clothes.” She nodded and weakly smiled. “You might get to meet my little sister Meghan.” She ran a hand through her hair and shook her head. “Hopefully she wasn't outspoken as she used to be.” I looked at her with sympathy. “I’m sure your sister is fine.” I reassured her, resting my hand on her shoulder. “Good luck.” She whispered as she exited the room and outside and I was grabbed by Satan. I looked at Dallas, and I pushed him roughly back. He slapped me and the impact cause me to turn. “I will not hesitate to kill you. You will obey my every command got it!?” He yelled and I nodded in fear. I couldn't speak and I saw Skylar with a smile as she noticed me. She ran away from the two men that were holding her. They pointed their guns at the back of her head as she ran towards me. Dallas held up his hands for them to put their guns. Reluctantly they did and I cried as I held my daughter onto me tightly. “Oh my god your okay.” I whispered in her hair. She giggled and nodded. Her smile fell as she saw the tears in my eyes. “Mommy what’s wrong?” I put on a fake smile and wiped the tears away with my sleeves. “Nothing I’m just so glad to see you. I missed you.” I whispered and Dallas sent me a warning look to get off the ground. I let go of her and grasped onto her hand. “Alright go with these… Kind men… And go play with the other kids in the building.” She smiled and nodded vigorously. She let go of my hand and I felt empty when I watched my daughter leave. “You’re lucky love that I didn't put a damn bullet to her head.” I growled and got up off the ground. “Yer such a fucking bastard.” I mumbled earning a punch to the nose. I cupped my hand over my nose as blood ran down.  “Get yourself cleaned up bitch.” He spat, and I rushed back to where I stayed.
          When I was done getting changed I hurried back out and everyone was preparing for the new group. They reminded me of Terminus and Wood-bury the way they played and deceived people. I was snapped out of my trance when I felt hands wrap around me from behind. I flinched and Dallas kissed my neck. “You get to meet the new group, there’s a redneck in the group sound familiar?” I froze in place. It wasn't just a random group that we could see in the distance it was my group…. They were coming to this living Hell. When I didn't respond He kissed my neck and chuckled in my ear, before letting go and putting a handgun in his holster.
                                    Daryl’s P.O.V.

        “Why the hell do we keep moving, we haven’t even looked for Wynter or Skylar for more than half an hour yet!” Carl exclaimed. “We need to keep moving, look that herd, is catching up to us. We will look for Wynter and Skylar as we move. Look we’re setting up camp here for 2 days we will look.” Abraham told all of us. Since Rick wasn't in the best shape about Wynter and Skylar gone. Abraham took over for a bit until Rick get’s back. I scoffed. “What the hell are we still doin’ here? They ain't going to come lookin’ for us. We have to find ‘em” I growled losing my temper. “We will find them! You think I don’t want to find them?! We got a whole damn herd. We can’t stay anymore than 2 days” Abraham spat getting up in my face. “If ya really wanted to find them, we wouldn't be runnin’ we would be out there looking for them every fuckin’ second!” I yelled grabbing our crossbow. “I’M KEEPING THIS GROUP TOGETHER ALIVE!” He shouted. “WYNTER AND SKYLAR ARE THE PRIORITY NOT A FUCKIN’ HERD! WE’RE WASTING TIME!” I yelled, breathing heavily. “We’ll go out looking for them but we got to keep a level head.” I shook my head. “I’m goin’ to get my family back. I ain’t got time to waste.” I said before heading towards the forest. Rick and Carl were right behind me. Abraham was astounded but sighed before the entire group started to trail behind me and Rick.
            I managed to get a trail of footsteps that had been here for a couple days. “They veered off that way.” Dakota stated the obvious. To the left there was only one set of footprints. I ran a hand through my hair in frustration. A gunshot rang out and there was a chorus of screams. Exchanging glances we ran towards the sound. There was another scream and I felt sick to my stomach. We ran towards a road that led down to a factory. What the hell? There were different buildings and in the distance I could see a crowd of people. Rushing towards the group of people. There was a woman that lay dead on the cement, with a pool of blood surrounding her. Looking away from the body I examined all of the men and the women who were dressed skimpy. Hunter was about to step forward when I extended my arm out blocking her from going forward.  There was a women looking down at cement clutching onto a child as a man held onto her and the child. The woman turned around and I froze. It was Wynter. She looked as if she thought she saw ghosts. There was a dark chuckle and the man turned around and Wynter gulped. Wynter mouthed to us. ‘Get the hell out of here.’ I looked at her quizzically and Dallas glared at her. She shook her head and she mouthed to me and Rick. ‘Play along.’ I mumbled a curse and Rick gave me a slight nod. We had to play along with this bastard’s sick game.  “Men why don’t you show them where their sleeping headquarters are. While we get rid of the herd that is coming soon. I know you don’t trust me at the moment. I promise though your group will be safe. You may leave once the herd passes. I just wanted to keep Wynter and Skylar safe. Since well I love her. And well I was trying to protect her from certain people. We never meant to hurt you all. ” I looked up top on one of the towers and realized they could see from miles away. I looked at Dallas with a hard expression, as his gaze was still on me. He pressed his lips onto Wynter’s and he let go of her waist. Everyone was reluctant to go when there was a pleading look in Wynter’s eyes. Everyone including Rick followed behind Dallas’s group, then he smirked and stopped me from going. He pushed me lightly back. “Hands off me!” I growled and Wynter sighed. “What did you say bitch?” He glanced back at her and she shook her head. Skylar was allowed to go with the rest of the group and I saw bruises on Wynter.
            Wynter’s P.O.V.

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