Chapter 9

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Stefan was watching the whole time, too. Well, I guess not the whole time. He heard the scuffle, and then Emma screaming for him to just kill her. When he got there, Damon pushed her onto the ground and said something that shook him: "I am not going to kill you."

Stefan has never seen him turn down a fresh kill, so this was an extreme surprise for him. Damon than went on about how Emma was too similar to him and needed to do better, which confused him even more. After Damon took off in a flash, he watched Emma just sit there. She didn't seem phased about the vampire speed at all. Stefan watched he stuck in her thoughts for a few minutes before he saw Mads running at her.

"Emma are you okay?" Mads asked as she hugged Emma. Alaric was right behind her, watching the whole scene play out.

"Yeah I am fine, he didn't kill me," Emma said as she held onto Mads for dear life, crying on her shoulder.

"Emma, it's okay, shhhhh, I am right here," Madeline said comforting her. Emma continued to cry.

"He just left, he killed Logan and just left," Emma said letting the sobs take over her.

"Where did he go, Emma?" Mads asked.

 "I don't know, he just vanished," Emma said pulling her head off her shoulder.

Madeline started to think to where he would go to simmer down. He would want to go to someplace that comforts him... or someone. And then she knew exactly where he would go.

"I know where he is," Madeline said letting go of Emma, "go back to the house and be safe."

"I am not letting you go by yourself," Emma said in a stern voice. The only reason Damon didn't kill Emma was because he related to her. What would he do to Madeline?

"I'll be fine-"

"No you are not going, and that is final," Emma cut Madeline off, "Rick give me your keys."

Rick was about to say no, but saw the look on her face. It was pure desperation. He tossed her the keys, which Emma caught with ease.

"Be safe, girls," Alaric said and gave each of them a quick hug.

"We will be. Also, tell someone you found a dead body," Madeline stated as her and Emma walked to Rick's SUV.

Stefan watched this whole encounter, and his mind was racing. He now knows that these two girls and his History teacher are more than he thought they were. They knew about vampires, and seem to have a weird relation with Damon. He needed to get to the bottom of this, if not for him than for the safety of Elena. He felt really close to Emma, but he knew she wasn't being honest

 The remains of the tomb was in the middle of the woods, to Emma and Mads dismay. Emma was wearing white tennis shoes and her cheer outfit while mads was wearing her school clothes with a hint of blood from her nose stained on the front. At least it was a short walk, and they got there in no time.

The first thing that they saw was a hole in the ground. It looks like Damon must have broken through already. Madeline neared the hole first, putting Emma behind her. She looked down and saw Damon crouched over with a Bourbon in his hand. How he got the Bourbon, no one knows.

"Why did you follow me here?" Damon asked without looking up towards her figure.

"We needed to make sure you didn't go on a killing spree," Madeline said, and heard her voice echo back to her

"How did you know I was here?" he asked, tilting his head up a little towards her.

"Because I know you think Katherine is here, and you love Katherine," She said nonchalantly. In a flash, Damon jumped out of the hole and in front of Mads.

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