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Love is not created with a peaceful environment and the perfect people. Love isn't like the stories you've been read when you couldn't sleep, back when you were six. It's not a field filled with your favorite flowers and sunshine. It just doesn't work that way. Because in reality, love is more like the chaotic stories without interpunction and full of grammatical errors. Love is more like a field full of people where you have to pick someone in the hope you picked the right person. So, in conclusion, love is the most messy, chaotic and vulnerable concept to ever exist.

In order to find love, one must make many mistakes along the way. You didn't get that medal because you were just naturally good at sports. You got that medal because you worked for it, failed many times and then knew how to do it right. You can't do something for the first time and expect from yourself that you'll do it perfectly. It's the mistakes that make you good at something. So, why not enjoy those mistakes?

A mistake in love had been made by many people, but Steve's story, in particular, is a special one. Back in World War II, he had found his love wearing a military uniform and speaking with a British accent. Her name was Peggy Carter. And, luckily for Steve, the love was mutual. It's a shame that, of all people, Steve was the one who had to save the world and leave her behind. With the passing time, his love for her slowly burned out. A sad, yet true, story.

Another mistake like those was made by Tony Stark, who genuinely wanted Pepper Potts to be together with him for life. It was a love they both wanted. They just didn't realize that love like that isn't meant to be. You can't decide to be in love, you have to feel it. It just has to happen. Pepper knew that as soon as she had her heartbeat quickened by a man who goes by the name David. Tony was devastated, but love heals a broken heart. Pepper and Tony stayed friends ever since.

Love doesn't happen silently. It comes to you in the most horrible moment while screaming that you're definitely in love. 

Steve Rogers and Tony Stark fell in love through war and hell, facing death and possibly a future together.

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