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                                                                 January 1

      I'm a spiritual person. I believe in God and all that goes with Him. That doesn't make me religious, but it does contribute to my being spiritual. I have a firm faith, I've had first hand experiences in seeing His Hand in many things, and I know He answers prayers. Maybe not the way I expect or want, maybe I have to wait, but He always answers, and sometimes, it's better than I ever imagined.

     That being said, I spend a lot of time (sometimes, not as much as I should, probably) praying and talking with the Lord Father. Yes, with Him, not to Him. To have a relationship with the Father, one needs to spend time with Him, talking and in silence to listen, reading, being out in nature and appreciating, well, everything about life. I spend more time thanking Him for everything I have than I do asking for things. I hate asking for anything when He's blessed me with so much. (ok, maybe not much of anything by the world's standards, but I don't live by those). I ask about things that I'm not sure of and for guidance, but not much else. And I listen. I quiet my mind when I'm asking about something, and I wait. Sometimes, there'll be a voice along the back of my mind, sometimes it'll be silence that becomes peace, and sometimes, it's a feeling so strong it can't be ignored. It's not always immediate, but I usually get some idea or verification about something.

     Which is how this project came about. Honestly, it isn't something I feel comfortable doing as I don't believe that I'm anyone terribly special. I'm just me. I am not really more or less than the next person. I just happen to 'hear' what most don't, and I deliver what I hear, if I know who it's meant for. I hope that this will help whoever reads it, that maybe it'll have a message or two that will impact you somehow, that there will be something in these pages that will touch, or help, or encourage you to continue on or guide you along whatever path you're walking.

     Blessings abound! Today is the beginning of a new year and, in a way, a fresh start. A new year full of surprises, blessings, and things yet to come. 

January 2

     So, as I started to explain earlier, this project came about because I had a stray thought, that's all. Something about taking and finding anything that I've posted or written that might have been 'inspired' or touched somebody somehow, even without my knowing it. And to add to those thoughts and notes, to make it into a year-long blessing-guidance-inspirational type thing. When it actually sank in, I dismissed it, because frankly, I didn't think I would be able to come up with 365 days worth of anything worth reading. But it persisted, and I doubted. So I asked a few close friends for their input. Got strong support from a couple of them to just do it. And still I hemmed and hawed. Now, I had been praying about this. Finally, one night, I settled my thoughts, and doubts and silenced my mind and said, "Father, will I be able to do this? Really? Will I be able to write enough for a year?" The answer was instantaneous. "Child, you have the tools. You have the words. You have everything you need." A strong reassurance with those words that flowed through the back of my mind. Those words were repeated, not just once, or twice, but steadily for a good half hour, and with each repetition, I felt more assured, and capable of taking on the task laid before me. Thus begins my year of writings, notes, poems, thoughts, what have you. Many will be in the first person, most will be turned from me to you. There will be quite a few that are tongue in cheek observations and things I've gone through in life and mild remarks and good humor jabs at my life and things that have happened. I hope and pray that in someway you will find what you need, even if you aren't aware of it. There'll be quotes that will inspire me, some of them my own little one or two sentences that compel me forward. There will be A LOT about counting your blessings and a gratitude attitude, because I'm a firm believer in both. I have my down moments, but I refuse to stay down and even on the worst day, I find something to be grateful for. (even if it's just my own bed and curling up with a book.)

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