Can't deal with this ish

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3rd Person

James was on top of Thomas on the floor. They obviously didn't know the door was unlocked.

"What the hell you two?!?!?" John shouted at them. Alex nudged him, as if to say 'calm down'.
John took a deep breath.

"Were you two MAKING OUT?!?!? GROSS!!!!!!" He smirked.

"What if we were, turtle boy? No different to you and your little boyfriend practically drooling over one another!" Thomas gently pushed James off of him, getting to his feet. Madison stumbled to his feet and tugged Jefferson's arm, giving him a sympathetic look. This was Madison's way of telling Thomas, 'leave them be'.
"We are NOT dating for GOD'S SAKE!!!" John protested.
Thomas rolled his eyes. He grabbed James' hand and led him to their bedroom.

Alexander hugged John, attempting to rid the rage inside of him. As Alex wished, this calmed John down almost immediately. He embraced the smaller boy back.

Lafayette burst through the door, Hercules following after. They fell silent when they spotted Alex and John practically cuddling on the couch. Herc and Laf shared a quizzical glance.
"Uhhh are we interrupting?" Herc laughed nervously. Alex jumped and fell off of the couch, John following after him. Lafayette burst into laughter.
Alex stumbled to his feet, his face red.
'WHAT THE HELL YOU GUYS, NOT COOL!!' He signed rapidly.
John just curled up into a ball on the floor.
"I can't deal with this right now" He whined.

John's POV

Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw. I can NOT deal with this ish right now, I'm going to bed.

"Yo guys, imma go to bed." I got off the floor and made my way to mine and Alex's shared room. I entered and flopped over onto my bed, staring at the ceiling. Ya know what? I'm gonna listen to some music.
I grab my phone and make myself comfy, taking my earbuds off of the desk beside my bed. I'll just put my playlist in shuffle, I guess.
The opening notes of the song start playing and I immediately know which song it is. Its my favourite song! I've been relating to it ALOT lately.

Tell me am I going crazy?
Tell me have I lost my mind?
Am I just afraid of loving?
Or am I not the loving kind?

Kissing in the moonlight
Movies on a late night
Getting old
I've been there, done that
Supposed to be hot
But it's just cold
Somebody wake up my heart
Light me up
Set fire to my soul

Cause I can't do it anymore

Alex's POV

I was standing in the doorframe, gazing at my roommate. I don't think he realised that I was standing there, but he's such a good singer!

"Gimme that can't sleep love.
I want that can't sleep love.
The kind I dream about all day,
The kind that keeps me up all night.
Gimme that can't sleep love."
He sung, his voice angelic. I never realised how talented he was. He lifted his head up and spotted me in the doorframe, staring. My face heated up.

"Oh...I wasn't.. singing..was I?" He pulled his earbuds out hesitantly.

'You are such a beautiful singer!' I skipped across the room and sat next to him on his bed, leaning my head on his shoulder. Ha... I see why people think we're dating now.

He hates you Alex, you fuck up. He thinks you're such a weirdo.

Please god no.. not now..
I lifted my head off of his shoulder. My breathing hitched.

"Alex are you okay??" He looked at me.
I nodded, though he spotted the look of panic on my face.

"No.. what's the matter?! Lex you're making me worry!" He protested.
' need to stop caring so much about me,' I smiled sadly. 'I'm not worth your time.'

"Lex, you will always be worth my time! Don't ever say otherwise! You are my best friend Alex."
How can he melt my heart with few words? He embraced me, and I leaned back into him.

I'm falling hard for this boy.

A/N : Here's a fluffy chapter for you guys :3 hope you are enjoying this story so far! I have another lams story on my profile, go check it out!

[DISCONTINUED] Actions not Words (Mute!Alexander)(COVER NOT MINE)Where stories live. Discover now