Storms Of Emotions

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Alex's POV
(next day)

Today I go to debate class, the class I share with only two of my doormmates, Jefferson and Madison. Yeah, the two assholes who think they can call me what they want because I don't talk.

I walk down the corridor, my mind tracing back to last night. Me and John were cuddling! I don't remember what happened after that, only that I woke up lying on top of John. Wait...! We didn' Snap out of it Alex, you are thinking about it to much!
I enter Mr. Washington's class, my head down as always. I can't believe my seat is right at the front. I take a seat, trying to ignore the whispers of Madison and Jefferson behind me.

"Woah, why is the immigrant blushing?" Jefferson snickered.

"Probably thinking about his boyfriend. What happened last night between them? I saw him on top of the turtle guy this morning, asleep " Madison responded.
"Woah! That whore-son is getting lucky!"

I don't know what came over me then, but I turned around, anger rising over me. I slapped Jefferson across the face and everyone gasped and started yelling at me. I never realised Washington entered the room, and witnessed all of that.

"SILENCE!!!! Hamilton, Jefferson, Madison, go outside and TAKE A WALK!" Washington shouted.

"But, sir!-" Madison cried.

I exited the room, nervous as hell. Mr.Washington is usually nice but you do not want to get on his bad side. Soon after, Jefferson and Madison came out too. Madison was shaking like a fucking leaf. He's a goody-two-shoes so this doesn't happen much.
"Jemmy, don't worry. Everything will be fine." Madison looked up at Jefferson and he smiled at the small boy. I rolled my eyes. Washington came through the door, closing it behind him.

"Will one of you tell me WHAT THE HELL is going on?!?!?" He said, clearly pissed off.

"H-Hamilton slapped Thomas across his face!!" Madison said, so quiet it was almost a whisper.

"And why would Hamilton do that without a valid reason?" Washington questioned.

"That bastard couldn't face the truth!!!" Jefferson yelled, his hand still grabbing his cheek from where I slapped him.

"Language mister Jefferson!!"

I heard Jeffershit mumble something under his breath, but didn't catch what he actually said.

"Mister Hamilton, what is your excuse?" I looked up at Washington. His face was stern.

I took a deep breath.

'They think that just because I am mute that I can't hear what they say about me. They think that I don't have feelings.' I signed, my hands shaking wild.

"Jefferson, Madison. What have you been saying about mister Hamilton?" Washington asked, his face more sympathetic now he knew basically what was going on.

"Nothing!-" Jefferson started but Madison interrupted him.
"Thomas .. just tell him please."

I could tell James was on the verge of tears. This may sound crazy but I actually felt kind of bad for him. He is not used to this.
"No! Sir.... We have called him some mean things that uh... Related to his past.. and I'm really really sorry.." He said, his voice shaking.
"Thank you, Mister Madison. I'm glad you owned up to this. And I hope this will stop. You are dismissed, go back into class."
James smiled sympathetically, then glanced at Jefferson and then his smile disappeared.

"Now Mister Jefferson. Are you going to apologise or are we going to do this the hard way?" Washington's glare came back as soon as Madison went.

Jefferson sighed.
"Sorry I guess." He rubbed his arm. I know he didn't mean it, but I didn't want to deal with the consequences.

"Alright then. I don't want anything else being said, and if I hear anything else, there WILL be consequences!!! Go back inside."

"Thanks you sir." He smiled at Washington but before entering, he smirked at me.

Sir waited until the door of the classroom was closed to talk to me.

"Alexander, my sincerest apologies I hadn't realised this sooner. Please tell me if it happens again, son."
I flinched at the word son. Being an orphan is not easy. Its not fair how others have happy families, and I have to be alone. I hate the word son. I hate it.

(In the afternoon)

I walked back to my dorm, recalling what happened this morning. I really lost my temper, didn't I?

Yes you did, Alex. Like I said, you are such a fuck up! That's why your father left you. Nobody really likes you, especially John. He hates you. He fucking hates you.

I feel like throwing up. I feel like I'm going to have a mental breakdown. My pace sped up. I rushed to my dorm. Bursting through the door, I felt the tears running down my face.

"Oh, hey lex! Wait, what's up?!?!!!?" I heard John call after me.
Not now. Not now.
I ran into my room, slamming the door shut. I don't care that I share the bedroom with John, I want to be alone.
I crawled into my bed, punching my pillow multiple times.
Why? Why do my depressing thoughts have to come when my day has already been horrible?
John probably thinks I'm such an attention seeker. Why does he have to care so much?

John's POV

Why the hell is Lex crying??
I quickly approach our bedroom door and put my head against it, listening in. He sobs, it causes me so much pain to hear him upset.
Opening the door, I see him on his bed, sobbing into his pillow.

"Lex...what happened??" He didn't respond, just kept sobbing.
He is like this sometimes. Sometimes his thoughts get the best of him. I went over and sat next to him.
"Lex, please!!" I cried out. This only resulted in his sobbing getting louder and he started to struggle to breathe.
As if on cue, there was the sound of heavy rain outside and a clash of thunder.
Alex jumped about 5 feet in the air and screamed. He hates storms. He has had bad experiences in the past with hurricanes.

"Alexander.." The small boy whimpered and slid over next to me. I embraced him tightly.

Don't worry John. You'll get to tell him soon.

I smile to myself thinking about this. I'm telling him on his birthday. The only thing is... It will either make it a great birthday for him or (most likely) ruin it completely. But he needs to know how I feel.

A strike of lightning lit up the room, and another clap of thunder echoed in our ears. Poor Lex was shaking like he was in the Antarctic in only a t-shirt and shorts. I pulled him onto my lap and cuddled him tightly.

"Shhh.. it'll be over soon. I'm here, nothing can hurt you." I rubbed his back and he buried his head in my shoulder. His breathing started to slow down.

"Everything will be absolutely fine. Because I'm here. You may not be able to tell me how you are feeling, but I know that I'll do my hardest to keep you safe. Always and Forever."

[DISCONTINUED] Actions not Words (Mute!Alexander)(COVER NOT MINE)Where stories live. Discover now