Chapter 3

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Chiara decided that the weekends did not last long enough. Nursing a small hangover that left her shaky and exhausted, she packed her bag to head to the library.

Jess had emailed her to meet him around noon on the fifth floor west annex. While this was her third year on campus, she hadn't actually spent much time at the library. Something about being around other people, other distractions, just didn't help her study. She was better off in her room with her phone turned off.

She walked through the library doors and headed straight through the lobby to the back hallway. Reaching the very end, a door opened on the right that opened up to a stairwell. She hiked up four flights, stopping to catch her breath in the corridor.

A sudden nervousness filled her veins. Her heart quickened as she stood right outside the doors. This is the most she'd seen Jess in over three years. She wasn't sure if this whole experience could be chalked up to their unfortunate past, or if she actually found herself attracted to him.

Of course she found herself attracted to him, Chiara scoffed. But he had always been good looking. That wasn't new. This feeling, that was different.

The door opened and a lanky kid walked out, nearly slamming Chiara with the door.

"Whoops," whispered the kid.

Guess that was as good of a sign as any for her to walk through and meet this day head on.

Jess sat at a wooden table. His laptop covered most of his face, but Chiara could see the screen's reflection in his eyes. She walked up to him, now unsure that grey leggings and her purple running top was really what she should have worn. Her hair knotted in a bun and a grey baseball cap looked presentable when she left the house, but now she second guessed her appearance as sloppy.

Chiara pulled up the chair directly across from Jess.

"Hey," Jess stated as he looked up from the computer. His face wore a peculiar look. Trouble? Worrisome?

"Hi," Chiara responded cocking her head as if to ask what was wrong.

Jess pulled a manilla envelope from his bag and slid it across the table. He pointed at the envelope, telling Chiara to open it.

Chiara shot him a puzzled look. Why was he being so.... Off?

She picked up the envelope, opening it up. She slid a glossy photo halfway out before she could make sense of what it was.

The image was dark, clearly taken at night. A house stood in the background with two people in front seemingly having an argument. The boy's face was visible while the girl had her back to the photographer. The boy's lips curled, his hand grasping the girl's wrist. She struggled to get away.

She knew this boy, this night. That was Tyler Barratta, a guy who went to high school with Chiara. And the girl... the one scared to her bones. The one Tyler was gripping onto. The one who only second after this photo was taken will have a black eye forming on her face. That was Chiara.

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