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Many Happy Returns of the Day to The Queen Anushka Shetty Our Sweety..

Many Happy Returns of the Day to The Queen Anushka Shetty Our Sweety

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At Wedding House

Mahanvitha saw their Maid Daughter Radha crying and asked her

Mahanvitha : Radha, What Happened?

Radha : Akka, Amma health condition is so bad

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Radha : Akka, Amma health condition is so bad.For Her Treatment, I don't have money. I want to take EAMCET coaching also and wanted to look after Amma well aftee getting Job..But Now, I am scaring what will happen to Amma?

Mahanavitha : Don't Cry..For Amma treatment How much money you need?

Radha : 25, 000..

Mahanvitha went to her Father Suresh and took Cheque from their Accountant and asked his Father to sign it.

Suresh signed on blank Cheque, when his Daughter asked to sign it..

Mahanvitha came to Radha and gave Cheque to her

Radha asked on seeing the Cheque amount

Radha : Akka, I want 25,000 only, not 2,25,000..

Mahanvitha : This money is for Your mother Treatment and Your EAMCET coaching.

Mahanvitha : This money is for Your mother Treatment and Your EAMCET coaching

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Radha : But..Akka..

Mahanvitha : Your Mother fed me food along with you, If She is Amma for you, She is my Pinni (Mother's Sister) me..Can't I do this much help to her?

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