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Hongseok was jolted awake by the angry loud beeps of the cars behind him as the traffic lights went green. He looked around and started his car quickly as he grasped on the flashback that he had seconds ago in his mind. His head whirled with thoughts as he raced through the roads, everything speeding past him and his blood roaring in his ears. He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. It's not the time to think about this, he thought to himself, right now I have to find Jinho as fast as I can. He let the wind run through him, so that the gust of winds would carry his thoughts away.
He grasped the steering wheel tightly as he zoomed through the highways and the streets, thinking about the need to find Jinho. Finally, he slowed to a stop in front of the daunting psychiatric hospital. He looked up at the gigantic building, his eyes taking in everything at once.

Gonjiam Psychiatric Hospital, 4th floor, room 666.

Hongseok got out of the car, took a deep breath, and stepped into the quiet, dark hospital. The door creaked loudly as he opened it cautiously. He jumped back in fright as the hospital door slammed behind him. He looked around and saw spiderwebs everywhere. The walls were torn and the hospital facilities were covered in thick dust. The counters were in bits and the windows were broken and boarded up as if what was inside was too terrible to see. Metal chains piled on the ground was rusted with dried blood. Hongseok walked slowly through the corridors, the floors creaking beneath him and he came to a stop as he saw what was in front of him. On one of the big walls at the side, written in big bold letters with blood was, 'You can run, but you can't hide.'  His mind went blank as he stared at the angry red letters towering over him as he stood there, frightened. And when he gathered himself he whispered,

Immediately, he dashed through the corridors and headed for the stairs as he looped the address in his head over and over again,

Gonjiam Psychiatric Hospital, 4th floor, room 666.

The stairs were slapped against the chipboard wallpaper as if they were an afterthought. They fell too close to the entrance and were uncommonly narrow. The rail was simply a plank of wood supported by three mean spindles. It looked for all the world that it would come crashing down with even the weight of a child, yet it must have been there thirty years or more. But either way, Hongseok leaped over the spiraling stairs as spiderwebs caught his face and body. But he didn't care. All he cared about was finding Jinho, and only Jinho.

4th floor, room 666.

He made a drastic, sharp turn as he reached the fourth floor. He pushed the rusty metal door wide open and barely stopping to catch his breath, he raced along the blood stained corridor, looking up desperately at the signs that stuck out from the door.

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