[ t w e n t y - t w o ]

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Changgu's Diary:
You would probably be surprised. How can I be locked a in a park, and how would I know that. I mean, I was confused too at first, about how Jinho just disappeared to nowhere all of a sudden. Then I gave it a deep thought and tried to go out of the park. Turns out that i'll bump into a solid wall when I walked 15 steps to all directions. It was pretty clear that this park was only an image but not the real park Hongseok and I always went to. I guess there's nothing to be shocked about what happened here, since Jinho hyung can be a butterfly and talk and turn back into a human form.

The point is, why did he do that to me? What was he trying to do? Jinho hyung is really loving and caring so I don't think he's that kind of person who would lock me up and kill me. He said "see you after a week." Does that mean I have to be stuck here for a week? If it's for Hongseok, it's okay- I hope... I hope, Jinho and Hongseok are both gonna be fine... God knows what's happening out there- and it's driving me crazy.

Please Jinho hyung, come find me if you hear me, because i'll really lose my mind here. "JO JINHO, LET ME OUT OF HERE!"
I couldn't stop myself but to clench my fists and hit on the walls of this room. The grass and flowers were just images on the wall, to be honest.

Seems like there's really no way out here. The only way I can keep track of time is with my watch. Luckily I brought it with me. There's something served on the floor. Seems like Jinho hyung has served me a good breakfast.

"I'm sorry Changgu,, I'm really sorry... you'll understand later." Oh it's Jinho hyung's voice... but why does it sound like i'm going to die...? Classical movie lines from the killers. I still haven't explained how did I sort everything out. It's easy, i mean, if Jinho hyung possess powers like those i've seen, why couldn't he create a space like this for me?

What day is it? 22nd?
I never knew I have slept for two days. I must have been very tired these days. I saw a few meals served on the floor. Oh they seem delicious... I never knew Jinho hyung was such a good cook. "Hongseok cooked them,, I mean I did cook some, but I guess the delicious bit is Hongseok's. I can't appear here now... Please bare with me..." Hongseok...? Why? How?

How long have I slept? 2 days again? Gosh, I guess I can never get used to my tiring schedule again... Oh wait- there's web drama shooting today?! Oh shoot- I'm going to miss it... Unless this is the seventh day and Jinho hyung remembers what he had promised. Wait, I have heard something.

Last saved on 24th November, 2019, on iPhoneX

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