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"HI, WELCOME TO STARBUCKS," Brooke smiled at the customer. It had been 3 hours since her morning class and she had just started her shift. Thankfully, the headache had eased away with a hundred or so cups of warm water, and she felt her usual confidence return. 

Working in customer service was the worst thing ever. Brooke had learned quickly she did not have the patience nor the positive attitude to deal with rude, ignorant customers every single day, but she pushed through it. All she had to do was smile through the pain.

She waved for the next customer, "Hi, welcome to Starbucks, what can I– " She made the mistake of looking up. "Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me," she snarled without thinking.

Brown-haired bus-seat thief stood before her, his eyebrows raised at her profanity. "Is the customer service here supposed to be shit?" he drawled. He crossed his arms and looked at her pointedly, lips lifted in a playful smile.

Brooke was about to snap back at him when from the corner of her eye, she saw Alex, the manager and her boss, come out of the backroom. She forced herself to calm down.

Putting on the fakest of smiles, she gritted out, "What can I get for you?" Her eyes were narrowed in distaste and she was positive she looked absolutely insane, but she didn't care. It took everything in her not to sucker punch the asshole that ruined her morning.

"Just a hot chocolate, please," he said, smirking.

Oh, so now you have manners?

Taking a cup, she glared at him as she asked, "Name?"


"What's that? Did you say Flipper? That's your name? Alrighty," she taunted as she wrote his clearly incorrect name on the paper cup.


"Next!" she called, turning her gaze away from him like he had that morning.

He sighed, shaking his head in defeat. But he was smiling, she saw, and she immediately began to regret her reckless actions when he dropped a few coins in the tip jar. I'm such a drama queen, she scolded herself.

But it was all worth it when minutes later, Alex called out, "A hot chocolate for...Flipper...?"

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