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(but I don't think she wants it back)

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APPARENTLY, FLYNN WAS A certified thief. He stole kisses at every single chance he could get – kisses on her cheeks, kisses on her neck, kisses on her lips. Brooke began to wonder if she really had to punch him the next time he kissed her.

"Come watch my game tomorrow," he said, holding her cold hands in his.

"I have to study," she protested.

"No you don't. You're a total genius and you already know everything," Flynn pulled her closer to him.

"You have to study too, you know?" she said, enjoying the warmth his body exuded.

"How about," he started, "you help me study...after the game?"

Brooke sighed, knowing there was no changing his mind on this. This boy would do anything to avoid calculus.

"Fine, fine, fine. Oh and Flynn?"

He hummed in response.

"Do you think after exams we could uh, drive down to Lake-field?" Brooke asked nervously. "Camille told me there was a carnival going on there, and I don't know, it sounded pretty fun. But we don't have to, I get it if you're like totally busy or if you just don't want to-"

He ruffled her hair, the action so sudden she stopped to stared at him in complete confusion.

"Your hair is so soft," he noted. "But yeah, that sounds like fun, let's do it."

Brooke could only laugh at his childish behavior she adored so much. She punched at his chest lightly, "Flynn, can you be normal for once?" But she knew normal wasn't in his dictionary nor was it something she wanted from him. "And what is it with you and always interrupting me? If you could just let me finish - Camille mentioned something about asking you to invite Nick and setting up a double date for her -"

And he chose that moment to steal another kiss, cutting her off once again. Despite her frustrations, she gladly welcomed the rude interruption.

"Goddammit Flynn," she whispered when he pulled away.

He pecked her cheek, "Sounds good. Nick's actually been asking about that 'cute babe that comes to all the games'. I'll set it up." He smiled down at her, gazing at her as if she was a dream.

"Wait, really?" Brooke said excitedly, unable to hide her happiness for her friend.

"Yeah yeah, can we stop talking about Nick? I'm much more interesting," Flynn remarked lightly. "Anyways, game tomorrow. You're coming right? I'll save you a front row seat."

"Just don't let anyone steal it like you first did," Brooke teased.

"Started off stealing your seat, but now here I am, stealing your heart," he grinned proudly, as if he hadn't just said the cheesiest thing ever.

"Oh my God, shut the fuck up."

Thank you so much for reading!

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