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"FLYNN, YOU ABSOLUTE IDIOT," Brooke groaned, burying her face in her hands. "How many times do I have to tell you the derivative of a constant is zero?"

"Goddammit Brooke, shut up!" Flynn cried dramatically, violently erasing the work on his paper.

The librarian glared at them and angrily shushed them.

"Yeah Brooke," he whispered childishly. "Be quiet."

Brooke fell back on her chair, exasperated.

Two minutes later, she leaned over to check his progress again, only to find that the exact same error.

"Flynn!" she yelled. "Are you kidding me?"

"Oh my God, I'm sorry!" he banged his head against the table. "Calculus can die."

"Shhh!" the librarian said again. Her eyes were narrowed in distaste at them.

Flynn halfheartedly apologized and shoved his homework in his backpack. "I don't want to do it anymore."

Brooke sighed and looked at him. "It's really not that hard, I can help if you want– "

Instead of listening, he pulled her wrist towards him. "Whoa," he whispered. "You have a tattoo?"

His touch sent familiar tingles down her spine.

"Stop changing the topic-"

"Looks cool and all, but what's it supposed to be?" he cut her off again, examining the shape engraved on her wrist.

Brooke gave up and tugged her arm back. "It's a rose. For my mom."

"Cool," he said, bringing his mischievous eyes up to meet hers. "I have one too."

And then to prove his point, Flynn lifted his shirt to reveal his chiseled stomach, pointed at the skin on his right peck, and said, "See? It's a paper airplane but it doesn't really mean anything."

Brooke found his six pack much more interesting than the tattoo, but she wasn't about to tell him that.

"Flynn! Put your shirt down!" she exclaimed. She looked around, smiling weakly at the students around them who were clearly annoyed and judging them.

"SHH!" the librarian said again. This time, much angrier.

Flynn put his shirt down, covering his beautiful body, and flashed a smile. He clearly knew what he was doing and laughed triumphantly at Brooke's embarrassed face. "Sorry B, was that too much to handle for you?"

Brooke kicked him under the table and glared. "I'm going to-"

"-kill me?" he finished for her. "Yeah, yeah, can't wait." He grabbed her hand again and smiled wickedly, "Hey, I have something to tell you."

"What?" she said, unamused.

He moved his chair to sit beside her. "It's a secret," he whispered. "Come closer." He was still holding her hand, his thumb tracing circles against her skin.

Suspicious, Brooke huffed, "No."

Flynn pouted, "Oh come on, B. It's important."

He nailed the puppy-eyed look. Sighing, Brooke gave in and leaned towards him.

"Closer," he said softly, inching closer.

"I'm already really fucking close," she whisper-yelled. They were inches apart, foreheads nearly touching.

He simply stared at her, eyes scanning every inch of her face. His eyes were a beautifully soft brown, focused on her and only her. He smiled, "You have something on your lip."

Brooke was about to pull back when he said, "Let me get that." And then he leaned forward, closing the distance and connecting their lips.

He kissed her softly, patiently moving against her as she slowly came to terms as to what was happening. She felt him smile against her lips, felt herself melt against him. But it ended just as quick and as it started, and he pulled away, leaving Brooke in a daze.

A few heartbeats of silence passed as Brooke stared at him.

"What the fuck," she said loudly. Flynn was smirking, eyes sparkling and arms crossed. He looked quite proud of himself.

"If I have to tell you two to be quiet one more time– " the angry librarian started.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. I can't promise she won't punch me the next time I kiss her," Flynn said unapologetically.

"That's it! You two, get out!" the old woman roared, clearly fed up with the teens' antics.

Flynn jumped to his feet, grinning as he collected his belongings. He was still watching her, clearly enjoying the way he rendered her speechless. Brooke wasn't so enthusiastic.

She couldn't believe she just got in trouble for kissing.

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