touch season 1 lost and found 1.06

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Jake : 89 dergrees , 15
minutes and 50.8 seconds . that's the
current position of polaris , the
northern star.  viewed from another
planet , it's just one among many . but
on Earth , it's uniquely important . fixed
in place , on anchor , no matter where
you are in the northern hemisphere , if
you face polaris, you face north . you
know where you are . but there are
other ways to get lost . and the events that
overwhelm us , even in our own minds ,
what can be our anchor then ? what
becan can we turn to , to guide us
from darkness into the light ? what if it's
other people ; the lives that touch our
own in ways big and small ? because
unlike polaris , the light they bring will never fade.

 and the events thatoverwhelm us , even in our own minds ,what can be our anchor then ? whatbecan can we turn to , to guide us from darkness into the light ? what if it'sother people ; the lives that touch ourown in ways big and small ? becauseunl...

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