touch season 1 pilot 1 + 1= 3 ( 1.02 )

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Jake : my is Jake , i was born 4168
days ago , october 26 , 2000 live on this small planet with other people 7.08.360.000, this the story of some of them .
on average , a person will say 2250 words per day to 7.4 other people .we
send oveer 300 billion emails , 19 billion text messages in addition to this giant mosaic of patterns and proportions . the diagrams , mathematical models , are hidden in plain sight , you
just need to know where to look , but only some of us see how the pieces fit together . it is all
predetermined by mathematical probabilities , my
job is to connect those numbers to those destined
to meet , those whose destinies are touching . i was
born october 26 , 2000 , i am alive for 11 years ,
4 months , 28 days and 15 hours and all this time , i
never said a word . but no matter , now i have
someone who can hear me .

Jake : 7 billion people on a small planet ,
suspended in the vastness of space and we are
alone . the meaning of all this is the great mystery
of our fragile existence . perhaps the fact of being
alone in the universe unites s , makes us depend
on each other for small things ,creating a quantum
correlation between you and me , between us . and
if this is true ,then we live in a world where anything
is possible .

 andif this is true ,then we live in a world where anythingis possible

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