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When darkness and pain roam,

Everything becomes clouded.

Like forgetting about ourselves.

Who we are? Why we are here?

Why here at this moment in time?

Why did this happen?

How can I get back up?

Where to go from here?

What will others think of this?

What good will this do?

Sight of good things are lost,

Forget about the love in our lives.

Forget about those who care.

Forget that support surrounds us.

Forget about true family.

Negative thoughts filling the mind,

Thinking we brought them up,

But we ourselves haven't.

In truth, it's the other side,

Our Enemy, the one bringing them up.

Whispering in our ear,

You are not good enough.

You're stupid and useless.

No one cares about you.

You're pathetic.

Battle of good vs evil.

No, I can but I can't.

I'm strong but I'm weak.

I want to talk but stay quiet

Alone or not alone.

Can I pour my heart out?

But I'll get hurt

Can I trust?

But I'll be betrayed

Is something wrong with me?

Entering the loophole,

It's hard to get out.

It'll be a miracle if I can.

Can't do it alone.

Community can set me free.

Letters to A Dear Friend (Poems Vol. 2)Where stories live. Discover now