Chapter 1

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Hey! I really hope you enjoy this fanfiction I randomly wrote! please vote comment or whatever.

I kick the leaves that are gathering on the walkways. The wing wistles quietly and I listen to the music blasting through my headphones.

"She said to me. Forget what your told cos good girls are bad girls that havent been caught!"

As soon as Lukes voice comes on I squeal inwardly. He's amazing. he really is. I love him. I remember what he said in an interview about wanting to go to a normal singing school for a while. I only wish I could meet him. Like if he came to my singing school. I near 'Sydneys singing and acting academy' and nearly laugh as Tyler, the class douche trips over a guitar. He quickly looks around to check no-one saw. He didnt see me. Tyler walks away and I see a man in a black suit carry in the guitar and some luggage.

"Kate! Kate!" I hear from behind me.

I turn around and see Claire running over from her dorms.

I dont share a dorm room. I was lucky. There were only a few people that got a room to them selves. Theres still a bed spare in my room but so far no-one has acumilated it. Claire runs up to me and I hug her.

"Why didnt you wait for me?" She asks


"I forgot, sorry" I say and she frowns

I chat to claire for a bit and play her 5sos new song. She thinks theyre okay but isnt really a fan. No-one else at my school is except me. We laugh and chat and then make our way to our history lecture. eugh. I take my seat and Claire sits down beside me. in the next ten minutes about 40 other students file in and then the teacher comes in. I let my mind wander into thoughts of Luke Hemmings and Michael Clifford. Muke all the way. I pull out my notebook so it looks like I'm taking notes but in reality im doodling pictures.

"OMG thats callum hood, isnt it?" whispers claire

I nod

"That amazing. draw brad, for me" She says

I get down to drawing Brad from The Vamps. I only look up when I hear the door open and one of the receptionists walks in. She hands the teacher a note and then walks out. The teacher looks down at the note and then frowns. He looks up and his eyes fall directly on me. oh no.

"Kathrine Peterson." He says. I nod "Please could you go down to the rectors office"

My mind instantly goes over what I could have possible done. I'm not failing in anything. I didnt beat anyone up. I have done absolutley nothing that could be worth seeing MR James. Nothing. I gather up my books, put them in my bag, raise my eyebrows at claire and walk out, My cheeks burning as I feel all eyes on me.

I walk down the corridor and towards the tiny room outside that holds the heads office. Theres a Black 4 wheeler outise with the man I saw carrying the guitar earlier standing beside it. I knock on the door and a deep voice replies

"Come in"

I walk inside and he gestures for me to sit.

"Miss Peterson" He says

I smile

"Miss peterson, I have a problem and I think you can help me out."

"How can I help, sir?" I ask, confused

"a few weeks ago I had a call saying that this... 'celebrity' needed a school to go to without being recognised. And I said that seeing as this school is out of the way this would be the perfect place. This celebrity will need someone to help him out. I was wondering how you would feel about helping him out."

I think about it for a minute. Extra credit. Probably on my CV. Getting to meet a celebrity, even if it is probably just one from eastenders or something stupid. Hell Yeah!

"Of course sir. I would be delighted" I say

"He will have a body guard around the school at all times and You will both have an emergency number to call" He says

"Sir? can I ask who it is?" I ask

Mr James checks his watch.

"He should be here in seven minutes" He says

I nod and we just sit there awkwardly while Mr James checks some papers or something. I wonder who this mistery celebrity could possibly be. Suddenly theres a knock at the door and then it opens. Revealing those damn skinny jeans, The lip ring, The blue eyes and the blonde hair.

"Hey, Im Luke Hemmings."

Luke Who? (Luke Hemmings 5SOS fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now