The day I changed

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Disclamier: am only going to do this  once, I dont own fairy tale  or any of  the characters .



The day lisanna returned was very joyous . Their was a huge celebration that went on for days . Everyone was so happy and I was too. After all she was Nasta childhood friend . I wanted him to be happy and for them to catch up , you know recreate that bond. Thats why I wasnt  angry when Nasta stared to ignore me or ditch me to hang out with lisanna. But when a week of cacthing up turned into a month, then another, I started to get  angry but mostly depressed .

Then one day I walked in the guild to her Natsu called me weak.

That's was when  I   realized that this people were not my friends or family they were strangers that didnt give a dam about me . I  looked around to see if any other guild member would stand up for me I was meet with the foul stares of my ex -friends .

They were cruel and I didnt want to be in a guild with people like this . Wiping the tears out of my eyes I  went to master office with me head held high and a determined look in my eyes. I asked him to remove my mark which he did with out any hesitation. Then I returned to my apartment and began to pack all my stuff . Then I pick up my keys and left without a note or anything . But not before I called then on cancer  and asked him to reinvent my hair . He took out piftails and add highlights . Then I told him to  make  my bangs long so that they cover both off my eyes. I got rid of my mini skirts and my dresses , and replaced them with jeans and hoodies and a few long selve shirts.

I didnt  want any one to see the scars that cobered my body. I also didnt want to be reminded  of  what they did to me, every time  I looked at myself.  Then hope on a train not sure where I was going but knowing it was anywhere but fairy tail .

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