Make me stronger

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"Can we go now "I asked Yuki . I had just finshed my cake and was ready to go . "Sure "said yuki getting up and stretching .The muscles in his arms rippling sending a shiver of pleasure through my body. [Stop lucy your here to get strong not to develop a crush, beside how do you know if you can trust him or anyone eles for that matter. ] "So where is this place any way "I said looking away his chest. "Its up on the mountains it's a long way to go why thats why I wanted to fuel up on energy before we left". "Why do we have to walk "I asked him. "There is no train that runs up the mountain" said Yuki . "Am glad you dressed warm because it gets a little cool up their" responded Yuki . "Follow me" he said exiting out of the cafe. I scrambled to catch up with him, his legs were long and he walked in long strides. Seeing My struggle he slowed down a bite. We walked up a trail, leading some where unseen, each step becoming even more difficult. Finally we stoped allow me to catch me breath.

Looking up I took in my surroundings. It was beautiful . The was a temple, that was surrounded by trees with flowers blossoms on them. Wow I said softly . Beautiful isnt it he said looking at me. with a soft smile. Yeah well I didnt come here for the view I said. I didnt mean for it to come out so mean but, the way he was looking at this place with so much happiness, it made me angry to see him so happy while I was so sad. But what he said in response suprised me . Then why did you come here he saidd. I,, ugh. I came here to get stronger I said looking away from him ,so that he wouldnt see the flash of pain in my eyes as I thought of the events that lead to it. Why he said , which pushed me further into the cloud of pain I just barely managed to escape. Its a long story I said wiping the tear that managed to escape from my eyes. Come lets go I said walking up to the temple .



I wanted to know why she decided to come so I asked her. When she told me that she wanted to get stronger, I pressed for more information. I wanted to know why she was so closed off ,what hapened to her to make her want to get stronger. I heard the sound of her voice and saw the tear roll down her eye she looked so hurt and fragile , she looked broken .

Guilt coursed through me as I realized what I had done. I had caused her pain by making her relive those memories. Reading her mind for a quick second. I was angered by what I saw . She thinking about her old guild mates , they were calling her weak nothing a waste of space. Thats when I realized thay they were the reason that she wanted to become stronger. She didnt want to show them and herself that she was none of those things.

Master kamwisha >prov

Looking out the window I saw Yuki and the girl he told me about. He was right about the cute part ,but what he didnt ,mention was her eyes. They were round and a chocalate brown . But more than that they were filled with pain , I could tell that she been through alot . She wore a mask so that no one could she how she really felt , but I could see right through it and I saw a broken girl but at the same time a determined , kind , brave girl. I could tell just from looking at her that it would be a honor to teach the girl.


I founed out the girls name was Lucy Heartfilia. I led the girl to my office so se could talk. So Lucy whys is it that you want me as a trainer I asked her curious. I want to become stronger. Is this for you or for someone eles I asked her. I had dipped into her mind earlier and found out what had happen to bring her here. I knew to know how she was getting stronger for herself or someone eles. Believe it or not it is a major part of the training. Am doing this for myself she said without hesitation, their was a determined look in her eyes, I want to prove it to myself for reasons that I would really like to keep To myself for now , if you dont mind master she said looking at me. Herngaze was calm and even it showed that she didnt fear me, nor thought she was better than me , it showed respect thats all. Very well I wojld like you to meet a few more of me students. I went to the common room to see my students their. ( Kayla, Michael , Yuki, jordan , jada , Kevan ) . I clearrd my throat to get their attention . They all turned to face me curious to see what the interruption was about. I have a announcement to make I said after I had every ones attention. Ihave a new student that will be joining you I said to them , her nane is Lucy Heartfilia . Nice to meet you all said the lucy not wasting any time. I left like that to get familiar with each other.

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