New beginning

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Am currently sitting in a diner wondering what am going to do with my new life . After being on the train for at least 4 hours I got off at some random place. Apparently the town is called kameia  . I was starving so I decided to stop ,  and grab something to eat before I found a hotel to stay at . Am currently eating a pizza puff with some fries at this restaurant I saw. I was thinking about how I was going to find someone to train me, scine' I really had not plan out  my trip that much . I brought a fry to my mouth about to eat it when it was snatched out of my hand.

Looking up I saw that it was a man with brown hair and green eyes. I made an irrated face at him . He just smiled at me . "What do you want "I asked him trying to be nice but my  voice  kind of slip at  the end." I coudnt help but over hear your problem, with finding trainer and I think I have the answer" he responded with a charming smile. What the hell did I just say that out loud I  think in my head, while giving a  shocked look. "Actually you didnt I just read your mind , its one of my powers " he said once again  answering my thoughts. "How can you help me "I asked him doubtfully  as I took a bite of my pizza puff. Well replied the boy I I know a great teacher. I can take you to him if you want me to. What's the catch I asked him. There is no catch besides it will be good to have a cute girl around for a change. What's his name I asked slightly interested.

But I will still not fully trusting this guy. He is not well known but he is a great teacher taught me everything I know he said . His name is Mikasa die . He is very old and very wise. He will help you get stronger he said. I looked at him after apprehensively not believing what he was saying. Don't look at me like that you're the one that said you wanted to be stronger so just trust me and think about it. I wait for you here tomorrow at seven and you can tell me whether or not you're coming he said. He left the restaurant and took my fries with him . I wanted to take the offer blood I will still on trust full of him. He seems like a nice guy though.

Finshing my pizza puff . I walk back to the hotel I was staying in attending on sleeping on it until I came up with the answer. That's night I dreamed dragons . They what beautiful their scales sparkled with beautiful colors. I dreamed that I I was flying with them happiness to me. Then the dream changed it turned into a nightmare. The members of my old guild were surrounding me they were all attacking me . Had a creepy smile on their face I looked down and saw a puddle of blood forming around me I was battered and bruised and they talk to me call me weak useless a waste of space I can't feel my life slowly drifting away .

I woke up screaming and soaking in my own sweat heart was pounding . I hated the way the dream made me feel , the feeling of being weak and a nuisance ,was something I had grow a custom and why I left in the first place . I had made my decision .

The next morning I woke up and made me some breakfast what 7 o'clock came around I was ready with my bag . Inside I have a few weapons ,my keys , some potions. The guy wasnt there yet so some I decided to buy me a lemon lime crumb cake. I was half wau finshed with it when I was intrupted . The guy was smiling down at me . I knew you would accept he said smirking, and what made you so sure I asked with an attitude. I saw it in your mind , besides if you were coming you wouldnt come all this way just to tell me no you could have just not come he said chuckling in a deep voice . Whatever I said rolling my eyes

What princess dont you want to spend a year or two with your knight and shiny armor that save uou grom those monsters. I tenses up thinking of those people. Shut up, am not a dansel in disret ok like just go ok I said getting up from my seat . Slow down will you the said grabing my arm. Which resulted in me snatching it away .DONT . TOUGH . ME I said spitting my words out like venom. I could feel the guy flinch . I took in a deep breath to calm my frantic beating heart . When he grabed me it reminded me of when I was at fairy tail and they would hold me down while the others beat me . I settled down in the booth with my head resting on the table. I'm sorry i said quietly but loud enough for him to to hear me . Its alright he said softly. Just ....dont grab me ok , I said trying to get him to understand why I reacted that way. Whats your name anyway I asked him , finally taking my head off the table to look at him. Yuki Zubizan he said with a half smile reaching his hand out for mine. Lucy heartfilia . I reached out and took his hand only to retracted it quickly. We spent the next hour eating and him telling me about the shrine where we woild train.

Yuki? 》prov

Master kamwisha sent me to retrieve an iteam for him at this antique shop. After getting it i headed to this diner to get me something to drink, it was burning up outside . Walking in I ordered me a lemonade then flirted with the cashier. I was about to get to leave when this girl in the back of the diner caught my attention. She was covered up and you couldnt see her face . But her bust was not hideable considering it was so big. But that wasnt what caught my attention what made me notice her was that she had on a hoodie when it was so hot, and the fact that when I read her mind something about trainer caught my attention. I thogh she was a normal person without magic ,she didnt look like one too use magic. I dig deeper into her mind, and was surprised too find there was a wall blocking me me from seeing anything else . This intrigued me even more. Walking over to the girlmi expefted her to look up but she didnt. So I snatched the fry out of her hand right when shebwss about to eat it. She looked up at me with a glare . I chuckled inwardly as I looked down at her she was cute when she did it. She asked me what I wanted so I gave her the first answer that came to my mind. Crap I thought in my head as I realize what I said . I should have made up something but me and my brain just kept spilling secrets . Did I just call her cute I think in my head, I never do that. God I need to get out of here before I start spilling more sercerts. What is wrong with me, great now I just gave her an chance it dont know if I can fulfill. Masters is going to be angry.


Master can I ask you something I said scratching the back of me head trying to prepare myself for whatever his answer would be. ''Sure" he said his grayish thick eyebrow rose in curiosity. ''Well how would you feel about training a new student I asked him not meeting his eyes" "well I have never really thought about it before he said hie blue eyes sparkling with thoughtfulness. " Why do you ask he said turning to me with suspension.

Here comes the hard part I think before taking a deep breath and telling him what I did.

Well I might have invited a girl to come here and train I whispered softly. There was a moment of silence in which I took the opportunity to convince him to let her come. " She not that bad , and she seems like she has a huge change of been a great wizard with you help, she a celestial wizard and is very cute" . I finshed my rant while blushing a deep cherry red when I realized what I just said.

I looked up to see his face to see if he was considering what I said . I was shocked to see him smirking instead of angry . So shes cute huh said master kameiswa , causing to blush a deeper shade of red. "So can she stay I asked after I got my cheeks to return to there regular color. Sure said kameiswa . Your not angry I asked,in curiosity. Nope beside I already knew what you did before you got here. Then why didnt you tell me I asked shocked. Because .... I like to mess with your mind he said chuckling leaving a flustered Yuki behind him.

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