Ch.14 Quiet Peaceful Days...

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  • Dedicated to Angela Khounxay

At the lone house up in the hill, Chi and Aki were doing their normal morning routines as usual. Aki would be cleaning the dishes after breakfast, and Chi would be in the backyard, tending to her garden. And of course, the friendly arguing continued between the duo.

Aki: Hey Chi! You didn't finish your fruits. You don't want to have an unbalanced diet do you?

Chi: Looks who talking you big fatty! Fatty Mcfatterson Kuya.

After their quick arquement over breakfast and health, Chi went back to her garden as Aki began to do all the chores in the house. He started off by fixing the bed and sweeping and cleaning all the dust from the floors, then he cleaned the bathroom and kitchen, and finally he raked and sweeped the front of the hill and house. Other than that, the rest of the community and around the house was completely silent. There were days when it was a little louder and more energetic in the house, but today felt odd for the both of them. It was basically quiet while they were working. Chi was back in the garden. And she was able to grow an extra number of seeds into the ground because of the amount of time that there was left. Soon she took a break underneath the tree.

Chi: Phew...Man so much work, and it isn't even passed 11 yet. Can't believe how much work has been done so far. I think that's enough progress for today. Time to head inside. I wonder what Aki is doing? Better not being slacking off.

Chi removed her gardening gloves and changed into her house clothes, and walked inside the house to find and see Aki's progress on the chores he had done. As she walked into the house she suddenly slipped on the floor. Luckily she fell on a soft mat on the kitchen floor. She got herself up and saw that the entire floor was shiny clean, so clean that it was enough for her to slip on it.

Chi: Grrr....stupid Aki...he could have gotten me seriously hurt after that.

With slight rage in her soul, she was more committed than ever to find her Kuya. But for some reason as she continued to look around, she took notice of all the chores that Aki completed.  

Chi: Man this house is spotless! Waxing the floors, dusting the entire house off, even cleaned and fixed the rustty toilet and faucet. Kuya knows what he's doing .

After another 15 minutes of searching both high and low in the house, there was still no sign of Aki anywhere. Finally, she went outside in the front of the house to see that Aki had cleaned the front yard as well as the front porch of the house.

Chi:  Very good job on my Kuya's part. But where is that idiot? It's almost lunch time.

Chi looked out into the distant and still couldn't find Aki. Until she looked to the right of the house and saw a hammock set up between two trees.

Chi: How long was that there? I don't remember Aki making that.

With her peaked curiousity, Chi walked over to see the hammock. Unsurprising to her, inside the hammock was none other than her favorite and slightly lazy, Kuya Aki, asleep in that hammock.

Chi: " did I know he would be asleep by this point...At least he did all the chores...but he's still stupid and lazy."

As Chi looked at Aki sleep peacefully, she began to plot devious trickery that should would pull on him.

Chi: "Lets see, spin the hammock? Pour cold water on him? Maybe insects? I know he hates them..."

As she continued to think devious thought on what to do, the silence around her began to get to her as her eyes began to feel heavy and she began to yawn seing Aki asleep as well. 

Chi: Ugh...another time for sure I will get you Kuya...

Instead of going with her tricks on Aki, she simply came towards the hammock and gently laid next to Aki, trying not to wake him up. As she laid with Aki, her face began to turn red, and her heart began to beat faster. She held her chest, thinking that Aki may sense her heart beat. Suddenly a light breeze from the east came in as Aki's hands hugged Chi from behind as his hands were held together near Chi's belly. After that, Chi's heartbeat went up the roof as her face turned redder than any tomato or cherry. She was unsure of what to do, so she held Aki's hands.

Chi: "His hands are so warm and soft..."

Chi's eyes continued to get heavier and heavier, until her eyes simply closed, as she joined her Kuya Aki to dreamland. Today was not much of a day of adventure, but more of a day of rest and relaxation after their daily chores and routines. As the both of them slept on each other, the both them truly felt the comfort and trust from each other. Because as they slept next to each other, the smiles from their faces never left their mouth for even a second... 

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