Ch.7 Inner Peace (Part Two)

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  • Dedicated to Angela Khounxay

The next morning Chi and Aki awoke from their slumber and stretched out there arms and legs in complete exhaustion. Aki stood up and walked around the shelter and was wondering what they could eat using the wheat. He grabbed some heads of wheat, and began to smash them up into a a doughy subtance. While he was doing that, Chi started the fire as Aki came in with the dough. 

Aki: Nice! I knew the bread would soon rise!

Chi: I'm still surprised that you were able to make bread. All and all at least we have food.

Once the bread rose, they began to eat their freshly made bread. But soon it began to rain around the shelter.

Chi: Aww man....there goes our nice day.

Aki: Not quite...

Soon Aki wrapped up some wheat into the shape of two mugs and a giant bucket and began to collect rain water.

Aki: I'm collecting freshwater for us so we don't need to be dehydrated.

Now Aki began to clear somemore of the wheat and put it inside the house, and he began to dig a giant rectangular hole where some of the wheat used to be. For about an hour he was digging around that place till he reached rock. Chi went outside to see the progress of what Aki did.

Chi: What is this for?

Aki: Well I knew that the gallon of water and the one's in our cup wouldn' t last us that long, so some of the rain water will pile up into this hole and become our freshwater river. I also made a second hole on the other side of our house as our private pool too.

Chi: Why are you doing so much work?

Aki: Until we can figure out how to get back home, might as well live and enjoy ourselves while doing so.

Aki came back inside the house and dried off near the fire, while Chi continued to watch the rain. She began to ponder things.

Chi: "I still don't understand why he's doing this all for me. I know we're basically the only people here, but he doesn't have to do all this work for me. Besides I just wanna go home. And yet he still is able to have a grin on his face about this whole situation."

Soon Aki was completely dried up and he looked from the inside of the house to see how his creations were going.

Aki: Wow this is amazing! Chi come over here and look!

Chi: What is it Kuya?

The both of them saw the large amount of rain water that was caught in both the pool and the freshwater pond. The water in the pond was almost half way and the pool was nearly full.

Aki: That's a lot of rain, we have enough water to last us for years, and we now have a pool too! This is great!

Chi: Yeah it is. It sure is....

Aki: Chi....what's wrong?

Chi: I...I don't wanna t-talk about it....

Aki: Why not? Don't you trust me?

Chi: I's just that....I don't wanna talk about it.....

Aki: have to understand that hiding things isn't good. No matter what, you can tell me it. Because I just wanna be here for yo......

Suddenly Chi simply burst our yelling.

Chi: I JUST WANNA GO HOME! I don't wanna deal with all this! Being on the only two people out here and us just doing all this won't get us any closer from home! We are just lucky we're alive right now! That's it just luck....*sniffles* Kuya....I d-don't w-want to stay here....I want to go b-back home....

Soon Chi began to burst in complete tears. Aki, felt sympathetic of what she said hugged her from behind.

Chi: Huh?

Aki: I didn't know you were feeling that way. It must be hard holding it in like that. I don't want you to hold or hide your emotions or feelings. I just wish to know so that I can care and comfort you. That's it....I don't wish to hurt you, just to help and be there to support you through. Because no matter what storm or challenges we will face together, I just wish to be there with you, either physically or spiritually and shall always be by your side.

Chi: Do...*sniff* do you promise?

Aki grabbed Chi's hand and took her pinky finger and held it with his pinky finger.

Aki: I pinky promise to you that I shall continue to care for you no matter what....

Soon the both of them closed their eyes and just before their lips touched, a bright light was shining outside their shelter. The light was soon getting brighter and brighter to where the both of them couldn't see it.

Chi: Kuya what's going on?

Aki: I don't know Chi....Just hold on to me, and don't let go!

Chi: Do you think we'll make it?

Aki: Yes I do. Just hold on.... I love you Chi.....

Suddenly the bright light completely consumes them and they both wake up once again. This time back at the hill where the home was. And the sky was still filled with clouds just like before.

Chi: We're....we're back home!

Aki: Yes we are! But wait was that all a dream?

The both of them pondered that question as they looked around. They were completely surprised to see that their hands were together, holding each other tightly like back in the dream.

Aki: Was that a dream?

Chi: Or did we really experience that?

As they were thinking this. They remembered that they were still holding hands, and they embarassingly let go, both of them slightly blushing. They both went back inside and began to remember every detail of what happened. Whether it was a dream or not, it was clear that the experience was a unique one indeed. And with this experience in hand, it will definetely be one that they will never soon forget.

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