Ch.10 Tending Gardens (Part 1)

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  • Dedicated to Angela Khounxay

It was a sunny yet cloudy day for the small house on top the hill, and Chi and Aki were both asleep in their bed. The sunlight shined outside the shades of the room as it slowly awoke the both of them from their deep and wonderous slumber. Aki was the first to get up and stretch his muscles out, especially since it was the first day that all of Aki's injuries were fully gone. He looked over at Chi and noticed that she was trying to also get up but didn't feel like getting up this early. Aki took his hand and began to massage Chi's back, hoping to wake her up.

Aki: Chi time to get up...the day is bright just like your smile. So lets get up and participate in this wonderful day. 

Chi: Ugh...not now mom, five to an hour more of sleep please...I got school later I think...

Aki continued to massage Chi, and yet nothing seemed to wake her up. Suddenly, Aki came up with a brillant idea that he knew would wake Chi up. He kneeled to where where her right ear and gently placed both of his palms surrounding her ear.

Aki: Love you Chi...

After he whispered in her ear, Chi began to move a lot more than before and she instantly got up, and was lightly red as she started looking around the bedroom and finally looking at Aki. She suddenly reacted by almost slapping Aki in the face. Luckily, for him he was able to dodge the semi-awake attack.

Aki: Good morning slugger. Geez, you almost knocked me to sleep again. And not in the good way too.

Chi: Kuya Aki...never whisper in my ear. It's weird and kind of a sensitive place for me...

Aki: Oh I'm sorry Chi. I didn't know.

Aki patted Chi's head and ears and went downstairs to prepare breakfast. Chi was still in bed completely red after what she heard and after Aki patting her head. She went under her covers and began to move around under the sheets on the bed simply embarrassed of what happened. She kept moving and moving within those sheets and soon she tied herself up within those sheets and got stuck. Chi began to roll around, trying to break the knot that got her stuck, Unfortunately for her, she rolled off the bed, still in that knot of sheets.

Chi: Aki! I've fallen and I can't get up!

Aki rushed up to find Chi just rolled up in sheets. He tried not to laugh, but it was quite difficult for him not to do so.

Chi: Quit laughing at my demise and help me!

Aki: I'm sorry. It's just quite entertaining how you got yourself "wrapped" up in such an unfortunate situation.

Chi: Stop with the stupid puns and help me out before I punch you!

Aki untied Chi out of those sheets as unexpectedly Chi slapped Aki in the face, making him fall into the ground, knocked out for a good amount of time

Chi: Stupid Aki...laughing at me...

Chi went back downstairs and decided to finish and have breakfast without her favorite kuya. Unfortunately for Chi, she was very unaware of how hard she slapped him, so she wasn't sure how long he would be out for. Aki eventually awoke from his "slumber" and he began to notice that he was on the ground and that his face and the back of his head hurt a lot. 

Aki: Man I keep forgeting how powerful Chi's slap could be. I need to be more trained or prepared for when that comes back again. How long have I been out?

Aki checked his watched and saw that it was 12:30. He was simply baffled and surprised by the time.

Aki: No way! I've been out for over four hours straight. Man...and I was gonna go out and go to the beach with Chi. But with her knockout slap...I guess that's not gonna happen. Speaking of Chi, where is she?

Aki began to look and search for her but she was no where to be found in the room. He even looked downstairs and found no sign of her anywhere. Soon Aki noticed on the table a plate that was wrapped in plastic wrap with a note on top of it from Chi. It said "Have some breakfast you jerk... Love, Chi." Aki grinned at the sight of the letter.

Aki: Well at least I know someone loves me.

Aki opened up the platisc wrapped plate, rewarmed the food, and began to eat breakfast, which consisted of hashbrowns and a spinich and ham egg-white omelette.

Chi: Such a delicious breakfast coming from such an amazing girl.

Aki placed the dishes in the sink and began to wash them. While washing them, he heard something that wasn't a regular sound for him to hear around the house before.

Aki: Hmm? What is that sound? Humming? Singing? Very pecuilar indeed...

Aki followed the source of the sound and began to investgate around. After a good amount of observation, Aki found the source of the noise and he peaked around the back of the house. As he peaked around, the corner of the house, he saw Chi dressed up in cute outfit, tending to a garden while humming and singing to herself as she tended it.

Chi: A garden so sweet, needs to be tended with care, also with love, water and they all shall share, a big part in the growth of these plants, hopefully they won't mess up because of there are a lot of ants.

Aki: Well well well...look what we have here...

Chi gasped at the complete sight of Aki showing his face at this time. 

Chi: did you find my secret garden?

Aki: By your amazing singing of course...I didn't know you had a garden here.

Chi: Yeah I did...I usually tended it on it early in the morning when you were asleep, that way you couldn't find out. Unfortunately, with me being tied earlier in the morning, I couldn't tend to my garden earlier than I could. I was still surprised that my slap was strong enough to knock you out for that long.

There was complete silence between the both of them for a while, in what felt like hours. Then suddenly, Aki walked over to Chi looked over the work that she did.

Aki: Chi...I'm still surprised at the amount of work and progress you have placed in this entire set up.

Chi: Thank you kuya...I never thought you would like it if you found out.

Aki: I absoultely love the idea of you of having a hobby, especially gardening is a great one too. Why don't you show me how it's done?

With Aki finding Chi's secret garden, will this lead to continous growth, or will this lead to an overflow of too much confusion and conflict. But it's only gardening right?

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