Fire In The Classroom!!! Bring Your Child To School Day?

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The next day, you received a message on your phone as you finished up changing Odoroki's diaper. You sighed, placing the bouncing baby in her fireproof cradle before going off to wash your hands. Even if you didn't touch anything, you didn't want to risk it, plus it was nasty either way.

When you finished washing your hands, you grabbed your phone and checked the new message, your brows raised in suspicion when the message was from U.A.

". . . Ooookay then. . . . " You dragged the words, picking Odoroki out of her cradle and resting her on your hip. "Let's see what the school wants with me, huh?" You smiled down at your daughter, landing big, fat kisses on her head. She giggled at your affection, her tiny hand landing on your nose. You winced the force of her hit, not expecting such an attack.

A groan escaped your lips, and you looked back at the message.

Ms. Midoriya, we have heard of your situation and wish to speak with you face-to-face about it. Please bring Odoroki Midoriya, as well.

Your mind went blank, and your grip on the phone loosened, causing the mobile device to fall to the ground. Odoroki sensed your negative feelings, and began to whimper softly. The sound of her in distress snapped you out of your frozen state.

"H-Hey there, it's alright, Odoroki. Mommy was just surprised for a second there." You muttered, resting her head on your collar bone. Her smalls sobs returned to silence, until the small baby was fast asleep, drooling slightly.

You smiled at her mood switch, and carefully picked up your phone. Rereading the message, you sighed to yourself, "Just great, who said it?" You groaned, laying Odoroki back in her cradle. You looked back at your phone and decided to text your mother.

Mom, U.A. just messaged me something important, so i gotta go earlier. I'll bring Odoroki too.

Almost instantly, you felt the phone buzz, tell you that she replied. You sweat dropped and looked at her message.

But (Y/n)! You can't be out so early!!

You rolled your eyes, of course she'd say that. . .

I'll be fine Mom.

You texted back, tossing the phone onto your bed. You began to prepare Odoroki's clothes, and you found that Odoroki was awake again, so you didn't have to worry about waking her up.

"Come on, baby girl. Time to see Mommy's school." You cooed, rubbing noses with Odoroki's tiny one. She gave a toothy grin, until her face made an expression like she was about to sneeze. You cringed, creating a water bubble around her. You then released your grip on her, allowing her to float in the bubble.

Odoroki probably did the biggest sneeze you've ever seen her do. The instant she sneezed, the whole inside of the bubble was filled will black fire and smoke. You raised a brow, opening the window.

Waving your hand over to the smoke filled bubble, it quickly floated out the window. You moved your hands around, and the water bubble became a topless box shape, allowing the smoke to leave. You smiled at Odoroki, ash all over her chubby cheeks, a big smile on her face as she clapped her hands together.

"Let's get you cleaned up first." You sighed tiredly, holding the drenched baby in your arms.

Timeskippie Real Quickie

As you left the apartment with a fresh, clean Odoroki, you made sure she was secure in her fireproof stroller. After confirming that nothing would catch fire on your walk, you headed down the street. 

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