▸ chapter I

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Once more the sound of the alarm gladly interrupted another one of my nightmares, this time from the day I faced death right on its face but somehow managed to live, still, that memory was stuck in my mind like glue and every time that it came back during the long nights it always ended the same way; me lying down on the ground bleeding until the life escaped my body.

I slowly sat on my bed looking at my surroundings; the luxurious house that the Capitol provided me on the Victor's Village was as silent as ever, slightly cold since the weather lately has been rather cold. The white marble floor shined thanks to the light that was coming through the windows in my room. To me, it was funny how the Capitol puts you through hell, and if you manage to survive they throw you into a luxury house for you to lock yourself in and cry until your days are done, or at least that's how I saw it.

Once I decided that my routine of self-pity was done I got up from the bed and made my way into the bathroom to start getting ready, as usual, for nothing more than myself; the house was full of things that would keep me alive for a while, and seeing as I had nothing better to do I went straight to start my morning routine.

The silence was something that I was already used to, even if the house is full of electronics (mostly because I'm from District 3) I was never interested in using them, mostly because my thoughts are so loud that cover any kind of distraction. While chopping some fruit for my breakfast I found myself lost in thought again, the only sound in the room was the knife chopping against the counter, but that peaceful silence was soon interrupted from the television that abruptly turned itself on instantly calling my attention as soon as the anthem was played; I slowly left whatever I had in my hands and cleaned them vaguely on my clothes, getting closer to the television, and once Snow appeared I knew they weren't good news.

The loud screams and claps from the freaks of the Capitol who adored that bastard filled the room; they were so loud that I felt like I was there. Snow raised his hand and the cheering died down.

"Ladies and Gentleman, this is the 75th year of the Hunger Games" people started to cheer again, making me sick, I instantly felt a knot in my stomach thinking about how all of them enjoyed watching how kids killed each other mercilessly. "And it was written in the charter of The Games that every 25 years there would be a Quarter Quell to keep fresh for each new generation the memory of those who died in the uprising against the Capitol" something about his tone was off, I couldn't tell if he was excited or unbothered and that sent shivers down my spine, this was not going to end well. "Each Quarter Quell is distinguished by games of a special significance and now on the 75th anniversary of our defeat of the rebellion we celebrate the third Quarter Quell" he did a small pause to give place once more to the applauses but continued quickly "As a reminder that even the strongest can't overcome the power of the Capitol, on this, the third Quarter Quell..." my breathing started to accelerate, the anticipation clear on my face "...the male and female tributes are to be ripped from the existing pool of victors in each district"

That was it, I could feel how my surroundings became nothing and my body felt numb, it felt like I couldn't breathe; my hand went to my throat and I unconsciously gripped it tight, my eyes started to water and my knees buckled making me hit the hard floor. I couldn't stop the sobs that forced themselves out of my body, my screams could be heard through the whole district, or I thought that.

Eventually my body gave up and I fell on my side, still trying to make air enter my lungs, my throat felt dry and the feeling of death was somewhat appealing to me.

"I can't go back" I repeated to myself over and over again, rocking myself and hugging my knees close to my chest, as if in that way I felt more secure. "I can't go back there"

"I can't go back there, I can't"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2019 ⏰

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