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tyler picked at his nails and lowered his gaze to his lap.

josh's eyes were filled with hurt as he watched tyler. this was all his fault.

"there's this boy," he started. "and you know, i really like this boy. i was already in denial about my feelings for him, but i just couldn't go a minute without thinking of him... so i bought a bouquet of roses for him... and during school... i-i asked him to the halloween dance." tyler took a shaky breath in before continuing. "turns out... he already had a date with a girl. a girl who doesn't even care about him as i do. she just wanted to get under my skin because she hates me and wants to see me miserable... and... i guess that just sent me over the edge."

the man nodded and fiddled with his pen.

"i'm sorry that happened to you tyler, but thank you for telling me and you should be able to get out of here by tomorrow."

and with that, the doctor left the room.

butterflies ~joshler~ ✓Where stories live. Discover now