Một fanfic khác

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Title: Fallen for you

Rating: T (for major fluff)

Genre: Humor, Romance

Word Count: 2333

Summery: Take place about a week after the incident at the Isadora
premier. Maya, seeing Hayami Masumi with a woman, finally understand
her own feelings. She loves him. So without really thinking, she
confessed her love to the only person she can lean on...her purple
rose fan. Despite the irony that masumi=purple rose fan, how would
the demon of daito react to this love confession? Read and find out! ONE SHOT!

Masumi Hayami woke up to his usual sound of alarm clock. As he
reached over to turn it off, his eye rested on a small bandage on his
hand where Maya had bitten him while acting as Jane recently last
week. A soft chuckle escaped from his lips as he recalled the event.

Turned off the alarm clock, he sat up on his bed. He set the alarm to
ring later than usual last night. He had a 'date' with Shiori-San and
that maiden has insisted on having him watched her do her flower art
'till late into the night. When he came home, he was exhausted and
slumped onto bed. She's not a bad woman... But... He doesn't feel any
love toward her.

Ran his hand through his hair, he stood up from his bed and walked to
the bathroom. As he was getting a towel from the cabinet, he spotted
a package lying in the middle. Curious, he picked it up.

Together with the package, there's a small envelope attached to it,
opened it up, a note was inside:

Hayami san,

Maya had entrusted this package to her purple rose fan. She asked me
to give a recorder to her yesterday morning and she returned them to
me a few hours ago. So I dropped by to delivery them to you, but you
weren't home so please pardon my intuition to your room. Maya said
that it was for her fan only so I feared that the maids might
accidentally took it.


'huh.' the curious fan thought to himself while opening the package.
'What could it be...'

Pressed the play button, he laid it down on the counter and began to
brush his teeth.

"My dearest purple rose fan. Kitajima Maya here. The reason why I'm
recording this to you is that first, my kanchi is horrible"

First off, laughing while brushing your teeth is not really the best
idea. The demon of Daito, not knowing this little fact, almost choked
to death.

"Second, you're like a family to me. A big brother. A dad. Someone
I could lean on to. Someone I can trust. Someone I can share my
feelings with. I have something really important to tell you. You've
been by my side since the day I first performed in a stage show.
So... I wanted you to be the first, and the only one who know this."

There was a long pause on the recording.

"I... have fallen in love with a man I'm not supposed to."

The sentence made him swallowed the foam in his mouth. 'Wait.
What?' he yelled mentally to himself.

"That man that is 11 years older than me." the recording continued to

A chill ran down the purple rose fan as he stopped dead, his eyes wide.

"A man who makes fun of me, calling me Chibi-chan. A man who killed my mother. A man who is already engaged to another women."

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