Chapter Four - The Interview

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L:"Hello, my name's Lindsay."

R:"And I'm Ryan."

L:"I sing."

R."And I play the piano while she sings."

L:"Ryan and I met when I was fourteen years old, Ryan was fifteen."

R:"When I first saw her, I knew there was something special about her. I knew nothing about her, but I just got this... this good vibe about her."

L:"It took him a while to get comfortable talking to me though. Unlike me, I just wouldn't shut up."

R:"I would just sit there listening to her talk, envious of her British accent."

L:"We met in a drama club. It was held after school, so we would tell our parents to come pick us up later than it actually ended so we could talk more."

R:"I joined the club because I was hoping it would help me break out of my shell and meet new friends."

L:"I just joined because I love being loud, acting, and just being able to be myself."

R:"She definitely changed me, but not in a bad way. In, probably, the best way ever."

L:"By the time grade nine was over, we were best friends. We were inseparable."

R:"I was just finishing grade ten, so I'd always make fun of her being a 'minor niner' and she'd always try and make a silly comeback about me being a 'tenner'. It didn't work out so well."

L:"At least I tried. We also hung out almost every day that summer, and he actually asked me to be his girlfriend at the end of august."

R:"She's been not only an amazing girlfriend, but an amazing best friend as well. She's always been there for me and has helped me be...well, me. I was so shy before I met her, and I never would have counted on this happening, on me...sorry, us... being here on AGT."

L:"He's helped me through a lot, too. He's always been there, right by my side when I needed him. He has never stopped loving me, no matter what. I know it's weird to say that because we're so young, but sometimes you just know when you belong together."

R:"From the moment I met her, and I tell her this every day, I knew that she was my soul mate. That's what the 'good vibe' was all about."

L:"I believe him more and more every time he tells me, because I love him more and more every day. And no matter what happens on the show, we'll always be together.

R:"Deffinitely. I don't care how far we make it on the show, as long as I have her."

L:"And if we win this thing, it'll be more of a challenge to stay together. I mean, we'd get a recording contract, loads of money, and we'd be, well, famous. That would make it a lot more challenging for us..."

R:"But it doesn't matter because we can handle it. After all we've been through, I'm not going to lose you."

L:"You won't lose me. No matter how hard you try and get rid of me, I'll always be with you."

R:"I love you."

L:"I love you, too."

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