The gang

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Here they are, the lil' hell raisers in all their glory

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Here they are, the lil' hell raisers in all their glory.

Nikki: her gem is green jasper. Her powers include the dash attack, enhanced strength, and a pretty good grip on shape shifting compared to all the other campers. She also has the basic gem powers like ability to fuse and bubble things and her weapon emerges as these claw like things she wears on her hands.

Neil: His gem is from an era 1 peridot. The powers he gets from his gem are the ability to summon screens from nothing, move metal at will, and all the basic gem powers besides enhanced strength. He's also impossibly inelegant for his age but no one can really tell if it's from his alien engineer ancestry or if he's just scary.

Max and Mal: Buckle up cuz this might take a while. These two's gem is blue quartz. Yeah that's right. Gem. Not Gems. Let me explain. Human gem reproduction is not an exact science as you may know and it wasn't built to work with twins. Sometimes, if twins are conceived, the parents never even know there was more then one baby cuz one of them merges to the gem sooner and the other just dies off. Not Max and Mal though. Their hold on the gem was completely equal to each other so noting happened for the longest time. But, as they grew, their hold in it became stronger and stronger and, eventually, the gem was pulled in half, one for each twin. This makes them very interesting specimens because as they only have half of their gem parent's inheritance each, the same goes for their powers. While both of them have enhanced strength, the ability to fuse, bubble, etc. Max was the only one of the two to inherit his mother's shield, bubble, and floating powers while Mal inherited her healing spit, ability to give sentient life to plants, dream jumping, and empathetic powers. While these are the ones they can each use freely once learned how, they have also been known to use each other's powers as well. For example, Max has healed his friends useing healing powers and Mal has summoned the shield before, though doing so leaves them extremely exhausted. Alternatively, Max knows first aid like the back of his hand and Mal has taken up sword fighting.

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