First year.

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I'm on the train in an compartment with Draco and two idiotic boys called Goyle and Crabbe so we made them our little goons. I wouldn't be riding the train if it weren't for Draco. He guilt trip me into riding with him because he didn't want to be alone. I would've already been at hogwarts.
"Hey Malfoy, you want something from the trolley?",Crabbe asked Draco.
"Do you want anything?",he asked but I shook my head. He looks back at Crabbe.
"No",Draco says. The two boys leave the compartment and I lay my head on Draco's shoulder.
"Where's Clover?",I asked wondering out loud.
"Who cares",Draco sneers I hit his leg.
"I do and like it or not she's my best friend",I snap at him.
"I was your best friend first",he mumbles and I roll my eyes.
"Draco, you're jealous and it's not a good look on you mate. And you will forever be my number one best friend",I say to him.
"I like the sound of that",he says and I hear the smirk in his voice. A knock interrupted our bicker and I looked over to see two boys.
"What do you want!",Draco asked snarling.
"We just need a place to sit. You have free seats",the dark skin boy says and I motion them sit.
"No, are your purebloods?",Draco asked and I roll my eyes.
"Yes and we come from a long line of Slytherins",the other boy says with a roll of his eyes.
"See Draco, no mudbloods. You may sit",I say to them.
"What are your names?",I asked trying to be kind.
"Blaise Zabini",he says and I smirk.
"I heard of you. We were invited to three of your mother's weddings",I say smirking and he laughs.
"Yes, my mother can't keep a man to save her life",he snickers.
"I'm Grayson Cromwell",the other boy mumbles.
"Nice to meet you both. I am Cassandra Snape and this is my best friend Draco Malfoy",I say to them.
"Snape? Snape. Why does that sound so familiar?",Blaise asked.
"My father is a professor and head of Slytherin house at hogwarts",I tells him and he nods in realization. Crabbe and Goyle walked into the compartment with hands full of sweets.
"Who are they",Crabbe asked disgusted.
"You watch your tone. They are part of the top fifty families",I snap at him. He bows his head and sits down beside Grayson and across from Goyle.
"You couldn't get any other dimwitted gits?",I hissed at Draco but he laughs.
"There perfect",he say and I roll my eyes.
"I'm guessing they are from a slytherin line?",Blaise asked referring to Crabbe and Goyle pigging out.
"Unfortunately",I say as I look at them in disgust.
"Friends?",he asked.
"No, they more like our followers",Draco says with a smirk. I thought the boys would hear but they're to bust eating.
"I like the way you think",Grayson smirks.
"Of course you do, we're all Slytherin here and slytherins have wonderful thinking",Draco says.
"Calm down Draco, don't want to fill your ego to much and explode",I say to him and scoff.
"What so wrong being confident?",he asked.
"Nothing is wrong with it. Not arrogance is just not working for you mate",I say and the boys laugh.
"Oh hush up Cass",he mumbles.
"Oh yeah, word says Harry Potter is on the train",Crabbe says. My eyes widen in shock. The Harry Potter.
"And you just now telling us this?",I demanded angrily.
"I just remembered",he excuse and I smakc myself on the head shaking it.
"Idiot",I mumble.
"The boy who lived",Grayson says shock.
"We should befriend him",Draco says with a smirk. And I did a take over.
"Why for merlins sake would we do such a thing?",I asked him.
"He's famous. We friends with him so we'd be famous and popular and we have power",he says and I roll my eyes.
"We don't need a Potter for that",I sneer.
"He's most likely be Gryffindor like mommy and daddy",I say.
"Wouldn't hurt to try",Grayson says and I raise a brow.
"Fine. And if he does agree to be friends then it only be with you",I say. Harry Potter, disgusting. His daddy bullied my father, like father like son his what most people would say.

We finally made it to hogwarts. The halfbreed giant took us to the boats and lead us all around. We follow a path but stop when everyone sees Professor McGonnagall at the top of the staircase. I stand close to Grayson and Draco since Grayson has become a great friend to Draco and I.
"Welcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments, you will pass through these doors and join your classmates. But before you can take your seats you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin",McGonagall gives us a look when she says Slytherin. Draco and Grayson smirk at his.
"Now, while you are here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you house points. Any rule breaking, and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup",she explains further.
"Trevor!",a boy voice yells. A chubby boy comes to the front picking up a toad. McGonagall gives him a look and he quickly apologize and steps back into the crowd.
"How much you wanna bet he's in Huffelpuff?",Draco asked quietly.
"I bet 25 galleons who be in Gryffindor",I say and he snorts.
"You mad?",he asked and I hit him in the chest.
"The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily",she says and than walks away. Grayson and Draco put on smirks and it looked evil.?  They might as well be related.
"It's true then, what they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts",Grayson asked smirking. Kids break put into whispers about Harry Potter. I turn towards the boy with beautiful eyes and dark hair with circle rim glasses.

"This is Crabbe, and Goyle. My best mates Cassandra and Grayson and I'm Malfoy...Draco Malfoy",Draco introduced for us. A boy with red hair laughs at his names and I glare at him. "Think his name's funny, do you?",I asked with a glare. He stops and looks at me with a blush.
"No need to ask yours. Red hair, and a hand me down robe? You must be a Weasley",Grayson says with disgust.
"Well soon find that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. Dont want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there",Draco tells Potter and holds out his hand.

I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks",Harry declines politely and I knew this was going to happen.
"Apparently not",I say loud enough for them to hear. He looks at me in awe and I got uncomfortable. Why is he looking at me like that? Grayson and Draco gave Harry a really dirty look.

"We're ready for you now",McGonagall says. Thank merlin she,came,and,broke the awkwardness.

he leads everyone through two large doors and into the Great Hall, where there are four long tables with a lot kids, as well as floating candles. I look at the roof in amazement because it looked like a sky. It's so beautiful. Dumbledore stands and makes his stupid speeches and than McGonagall starts calling names out. Grayson was one of the first ones and he got sorted into Slytherin. Than Draco who we all know got into Slytherin. A few after my name's was called.
"Cassandra Snape",she calls. Some people break into whispers about me. I sit on the stool and the hat was sit on my head. I look around to see Draco giving me a thumbs up than I look where Harry Potter was to see him looking at me like he's in a daze. The sorting hat speaks to me that I am brave but I'm cunning so...
"SLYTHERIN",he screams. I smirk widely and I hop off the stool and I stroll down to the Slytherin table as they cheer loudly for me. Draco hugs me as do Grayson. I look over at dad and he nods proudly at me and I smile widely. I look back at the boys and spoke to them aboit anything.
"By the way, you owe me 25 galleons Draco",I reminded him and be laughs.

Warning- Next chapter will be in fourth year.

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