"Good morning," said the "WU" (wake up) bot. I groaned as the WU bot ripped off my covers. "Good morning," the WU bot said again this time I jumped up out of bed. Oh yeah, by the way, my name is Allen and I live in a remote control house. Today is my birthday I was born on July 11, 2018, and today is that time of year again.
I looked at my calendar hanging on my wall, I clapped my hands and it switched from yesterday's date to today's date it read out loud the date "today is July 11, 2050, Happy birthday Allen" Thanks calendar "you're welcome" the calendar said back to me I laughed to me it was fun having all the new technology. I got up to take my pills all I had to say was pills please and they flew to me on a small silver flying saucer. I was ready to start the day I got dressed In the whatcha ma-closet it took off my pj's and put me in a long sleeve shirt, basketball shorts, and boots. I thought I looked weird but that's what all the kids are wearing these days, sort of.
Off to get breakfast I said as I took the sideways elevator to the kitchen I walked over to the microwave and pushed the pop-tart button "which flavor" It said in its robot voice I picked s'mores and then the microwave beeped my pop-tart was ready. I took it out and ran back to the sideways elevator I asked it to take me to the living room when I got there I ran straight to the door. I clicked the button on the remote that said "open door" and it opened. I was off to my bus stop I stepped onto the fast walk and strapped my feet to the concrete, I said, bus stop please and in the blink of an eye I was at my bus stop. I stood and waited for the big white school bus with my sister Kyrie and waited for it to come and about five minutes of standing there watching the electric cars and hover boards go down the street the bus came I hopped on and the robot driver greeted me I said hi and went to my seat the school bus hovered to my school when we got there I stepped off the bus onto another fast walk and it took me to the big black doors of Spring Garden Middle School.
I loved my school it was the best all the teacher holograms were nice and I was never in the office. The schools sideways elevator took me to my first-period science. Mrs. Sharp our hologram for science class greeted everyone when they stepped in the door. We all greeted her back then we sat down to learn. After we learned about atoms for an hour and a half we piled back into the sideways elevator and it took us to the next class. My next class was ELA with Mrs. Lyle probably my favorite hologram she puts up with my behavior when I don't take my pills. '
Mrs. Lyle greeted us and I tried to give her a hug but she is a hologram and it did not work out as I planned, I slipped right through her and almost fell on my face but I didn't because my hover chair caught me. After Mrs. Lyle's class I took the sideways elevator to my advisement Mr. Travis was waiting at the door for his students to arrive. The rest of the day went pretty good when I got to my very last period of the day Writing with Mrs. Lyle as my hologram again after that class I got back on the fast walk strapped my feet in and went to the bus stop when I got there I got on the bus and it took me to the fast walk that leads to my house I once again got on and secured myself and took the fast walk home when I got home I took the sideways elevator to my room and sat at my desk to do my virtual homework and accidentally fell asleep.
Forward in Time
FantastikTake a journey to the future with Allen and his day at school.