1000 forms of fear

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John carried me off in his jacket to the hospital. The rest of that night was one big blur. A mixture of humiliation, remorse, regret and sadness. They took my rape kit, and sent it away to be processed. John stayed with me the whole time, and I've never cried with anyone like I have with him. He swore to me that he catch Seth. I'm not sure I believe him, but I'll let him handle this. He knows how to handle things like this. We got home, and John insisted on sleeping in the same bed with me fully clothed of course. He wanted to be there to comfort me and give me a shoulder to cry on. I wondered what else he'd help me with. I loathe having to see Seth, but I know I have to.


John Cena is in the ring, he beats on Rolins. Delivering the smack down. Seth Rollins up high, AA from John Cena 123 *dinh ding ding*
John Cena defeats Seth Rollins via pinfall.

As soon as John's match is over we rush out of the stadium into the car and drive home. We don't want to see any of Seth or the shield. We want to get out of there as quickly as possible with me and John safely. Seth said that if I ever went to the doctors that he would make my life a living hell well I've gone to the doctors and I only imagine what's going to happen next

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