Chapter 1

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Once Gotham was saved once again from the legend hero himself 'batman' who cut off all the 20 bombs there was, from joker he finally sent him to jail where he can rot there, where they are the most very dangerous inmates who can cause such chaos to the city if they were able to be free or escape together.

"HAHAHAHA! You can't get rid of me that easily bats! Hehehe...I have a hunch that we'll be able to see eachother again reaal soon~..."." In your dreams joker"." Hahaha!! Oh well, your loss~". He said finally got into the police car driving away until batman can no longer see him and went back home.

After Bruce put his hero costume back in its place, he went to go take a shower and just went to sleep feeling really tired from the huge fight with joker. He needed a break for once from all the villains causing so much trouble for him and in Gotham as well.

But it's not like Bruce wanted to stop becoming batman again or get into these fights, he actually liked some action and excitement in his life for once, and not get all bored from these stupid meetings and business he got occupied on 24/7.

All of the fighting crimes he got and solving mysterious problems he got to get, it was all like a true hobby for him. Not to mention really good at it.


While joker was being tested and getting pictured, even removing his makeup looking at himself in the mirror from the bathroom seeing his pale normal face, but his smile has never faded in his lips and grinned."tch, aw poor batsy, one day were going to see eachother again no matter how long it takes me to wait for you. I'll be looking at you when come through those two doors seeing me smile in joyfulness looking at your face in complete anger. Hehehe!". He laughed.

Once he got out of the bathroom bringing two security guards  with him to take to his cell with some other inmates who were not in a good mood right now tossing him there like trash. "Welcome to your new home joker where you belong". Said a security guard with sarcasm. Joker just laughed seeing the security guards walking away.

"So your the joker eh? One of batman's greatest enemy?". Said an inmate walking around on him, checking him up and down."why yes!, and you are?"."heh, your worst nightmare, get em fellas". He said with two inmates grabbing jokers arms behind him.

Joker tried to pull away but couldnt."Now we know who you really are, but you havent seen me and my fellas doing something worse than putting 20 bombs almost destroying Gotham". He said punching joker in the stomach so hard with the two inmates letting go of him seeing him groan in pain holding his stomach.

With the inmate leaning down at his size chuckling at him."We can do so much worse than you joker, besides I know you love a good laugh of seeing people suffer. But now that yer here, I'd say we can enjoy ourselves having some fun with you~~and have a good laugh". He said licking his lips smirking at him.

Joker slowly looked at him still groaning in pain not letting go of his hand to his stomach he placed. Earning a punch to his face falling to the cold floor."Now be a good boy and let's get started shall we~~". He said laughing while the other inmates joined him starting to kick and punch joker so much.

They didn't stop until they became bored and tired. Leaving him all bloody and bruised up not being able to move, and lied there like some toy blacking out.


It was the next morning and all of the inmates were going out of their cells to eat some grossy breakfast. Once joker finally opened his eyes he now felt alot of pain in his whole entire body, feeling so weak to move he tried to get up but ended up falling back down.

He tried again and successfully got up Leaning into a wall to hold his balance getting out of the room to join other inmates who were going to the same direction. As his previous inmate buddy's were.

Joker tried to walk as best as he could but accidently tripped and bumped into some other different inmate."Watch where your going bitch!". "S-sorry". He said but felt a hand grabbing his green slicked hair pulling it so hard making him Yelp in pain.

"I don't think so you mother fucker!". Said the inmate smashing his head to the wall dropping him to the floor walking away. Joker moaned in pain letting a wet tear form on his cheek. He couldnt do anything in this kind of jail.

This was the real world and not just a laughing stock where he sees everyone yell in pain watching them suffer. He too was going to suffer like the rest of the people he watched and now kinda felt bad for it closing his eyes passing out from the huge blow to the head.


"I don't need you anymore joker, your just a waste of time for me. I got better things to do than just fight with you over nothing". Said batman."hehe...heh...hahahaha! What's the matter bats? You can't get rid of me like some toy! I'm the villain of your dreams~!"."tch, you really think so?, and I thought our friendship was just nothing but to just pretend to use you and be nice to you...heh...guess I was right. "."w-what did you say?!"."I really didn't care for you, I just only wanted what I needed from you"."what are you saying?"."you were never my greatest enemy in the first place but just an annoyance piece of trash that should be put there until you rot!"."W-why you-!"."I should be going now, I need to get back to selina"."S-selina?!"."Goodbye joker"."w-wait bat-". Batman grabbed jokers throat pushing him down to the floor tightening his grip where joker struggled to free himself  losing his breath."tch". He then was released letting himself catch his breath for some air choking. While rain started to pour down."What a waste of time". He said flying away with his Cape. Once joker was finding his normal breath he clenched his fist tight and closing his eyes tightly to prevent from letting tears fall from his cheeks."I-I thought we had a real connection....I loved you....I-really did...". He couldnt take it anymore and let all his tears out dropping to his cheeks sobbing hard hugging his legs bringing them to his stomach hiding his face sobbing so much.

"I thought you cared for me, even though we hated eachother......I just wanted to be loved by you".


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