36) great man

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Me and my friends cheered in our class. "Sit Down!" The teacher yelled at us as we stood up and made a ruckus. Emily ran up to us and hugged me and the others.

"Right, right. Calm down folks. We are very happy Emily is back and there will be no talk of anything that happened." I smiled and Em say next to me, smiling softly. "I missed you so much. I'm so glad I'm not there anymore. Thank you." Daniel and I smiled and we hugged. "I wanna join the hug!" Ty jumped on us and we laughed.


We laughed and as soon as the bell rang we ran out the classroom. We only had one lesson left and that was English. We laughed as we got a table together. "Oh! Emily, I almost forgot." I went in my bag and grabbed Emily's necklace. I handed it to her and she gave me a shocked look. "H-how?" She looked at it and I smiled.

It was a gorgeous silver necklace with a green sort of gem or stone and there was two arm around half the stone.

It was a gorgeous silver necklace with a green sort of gem or stone and there was two arm around half the stone

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She gripped the necklace tight and gave me a smile. "Right class quiet!" We were all quiet as the teacher explained the work. We had to write a poem with the help of someone else's help. I didn't mind. I wasn't the biggest fan of it but I didn't hate it.

I got paired up with Brandon. I have been kinda avoiding him since the whole kiss and promise of a date thing... I like him, I really do and that's what I'm afraid of. I've been manipulated before by boys and it's not fun. He sat next to me and grinned. "Hey, twinkle toes! I do believe you still owe me a date." I smiled. "Calm yourself, lucky strike." I smirked and he laughed.

Time skip

I stood next to my uncle and he smiled. "You look prepared." I nodded. He was teaching me how to shoot a gun and other things. I was in a standard gym clothes and I was ready.

We were about three miles away from the bar and were at an old shooting range

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We were about three miles away from the bar and were at an old shooting range. "This place is so cool." Markus chuckled and showed me a selection of guns. "These are just some guns that I think you can handle. 1.3 CZ P-09.
1.4 Glock 17.
1.5 Glock 26."

"The 1.3 CZ P-o9." He took off the safety and shot at the targets. I stared in awe as he started firing the gun. I had ear defenders on but I could feel the pounding in my chest, I felt like I could feel the gun. He stopped and handed me the gun. "This gun is powerful but it's nothing compared to something like an AK-47. Get familiar with this gun. Know where your finger is at all times, only have your finger on the trigger if you are planning on shooting someone. Try and shoot those bottles.

I aimed the gun and Markus moved my elbows. "Don't lock your elbows. You lock them and the the recoil can damage them." I nodded. I slowly pulled the trigger and fired the gun. The recoil from the gun made me have to take a step back but I smiled. "I missed." Markus laughed and patted me back. "Don't worry, little ghost. You'll get the hang of it." I stood back in the correct stance and aimed the gun whilst smirking. "I know I will."

Time skip

I sat down on my roof and sighed tiredly. "What have you done all day? You seem tired?" Robin said and I laughed tiredly. "God, I am!" I laid down and looked at my hands. They are sore and full of cuts. As well as guns I learnt about how to handle knives. I'm taking baby-steps but It hurts.

"Just a little. I was helping out my uncle with repairs?" I said and he scoffed. "That's obviously a lie but I will not snoop in on your business with your family. We may be friends but there are still well needed boundaries." He laid down next to me and I laughed. "He says as he lays down and looks at stars with me." He scoffed but didn't get up. We stayed like that for a while. To be honest it was nice.

God I suck.

"Hey? Can I ask you something?" He nodded. "Did you want to end up doing something like being a hero when you were a kid?" He seemed to think about it and nodded. "Yes, But even if I didn't become Robin I would have become the leader of league of assassins like my grandfather was." I hummed. "What was your grandfather like?" He didn't say anything at first and I began to think I over stepped my boundaries.

"He was a great man, I believed for years that he was the best man I could have ever met, I still believe he was a great man even though I know the bad things he has done in his long life. Then I met father and my view on what a great man was changed. I saw a mortal man, no powers, no Lazarus pit... Just a normal human who was fighting for good. Although I had the connection with my grandfather, Batman and I share a stronger connection." I smiled at him. "It sounds like you don't tell him that enough?" He nodded. "I don't."

"I think your dad would be honoured and happy to hear that from you. I think he knows you love him but he hasn't heard those words." He nodded. "What about your father?" My mood instantly darkened. "I hate him. It sounds like a normal teenager thing to say but he is an emotionally manipulative man who has been nothing good in our lives." He nodded and I sighed. "He's from Gotham. He was close friends with Mr Wayne, I'm not sure how he dealt with my dad." I said as I sat up and sighed.

"Anyways I should sleep, I've got dinner plans with my family and the Wayne today." I looked at my phone, it read 2:56. "That's got to be fun?" I gave him and look but smiled. "Oh yeah! Definitely."


I hope you have enjoyed this chapter and are enjoying your night or day!!!!! Plz feel free to leave your thoughts on this chapter!!!! Sorry for the wait!!!!

BYEEEEEEEE my beautiful readers!!!!!! 💙💚

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