The Gift

93 5 15

October 30, 2019

7:00 p.m.


Nathaniel "Nathan" Turner exhaled upon hearing those words, the controller falling from his exhausted hands. The Super Smash Bros Ultimate Halloween Tournament had come to an end, and after a bracket which had lasted about two hours, Nathan had emerged the victor. He shook hands with his opponent, stood and flexed his fingers, sore from intense and repetitive button mashing.

The tournament official, a Boo named BooGene, raised Nathan's arm in victory. "Here's your winner!" he sang out, to cheers from the spectators and other Smash players.

BooGene then turned to Nathan. "Good job out there," he said.

"Thanks," said Nathan.

BooGene smirked. "I must say, though—your choice of main..."

"Luigi?" Nathan was considered among the best Luigi mains in the tournament community. "Look, I know you have a beef with him, but—your king did go after his brother. Twice."

"Eh—let bygones by bygones, I say," said BooGene. "Congratulations again, Mr. Turner." He patted Nathan on the back and floated off.

Nathan mingled with the other Smash players, exchanging handshakes and hugs with them, before stopping at a dark-haired pregnant woman. This was his fiancée, Victoria "Vicky" Rousselle.

"Way to kick [bleep], Nate," said Vicky.

Nathan smiled and took her in his arms. "You weren't so bad yourself," he said, kissing her on the lips.

Vicky was also a frequent participant in the tournaments, and she'd mained Luigi since the first Smash game's release twenty years ago. She was a strong-willed woman, not about to let her delicate condition stop her from flexing her Smash muscles. And she was also the daughter of Princess Éclair of the Waffle Kingdom, making her second in line to the throne. This was a fact that only Nathan and a few close friends knew about.

Nathan didn't mind—how could he when he was also of royal blood? He was the Crown Prince of the Easton Kingdom, located in Sarasaland, which was ruled, of course, by Princess Daisy. But each of the kingdoms in Sarasaland (Easton, Chai, etc.) was ruled by a monarch who reported to Daisy and her advisors. Tomboyish as she was, Daisy simply couldn't rule a huge empire without some help. Nathan figured that he could afford to compete in a few more tournaments before buckling down and preparing to assume his responsibilities.

"Wanna text L and tell him the good news?" asked Vicky.

"I'll do that when I get home," said Nathan.

"He could be turning in early tonight," said Vicky. "He, Mario, Peach and a couple of Toads are going to that hotel tomorrow, remember?"

"Right—the Last Resort or whatever," said Nathan. "He could be busy packing his stuff, too—but I'll go ahead and shoot him a text."

He fished out his cell phone and opened the Messenger app before tapping Luigi's icon.

Sry to bother u, but I got some rad news.

"Hey, Nathan!" a voice behind him made him jump.

BooGene floated behind him. "Hey, man!" he said cheerily. "Don't forget to collect your prize!"

"How much?" asked Nathan.

BooGene tilted his head. "We're not talking about a cash prize," he said. "We're talking about something better."

Another Boo floated in, carrying a Dell Inspirion laptop.

"Ta-da!" announced BooGene. "It's your very own laptop! And it's already programmed just for you."

"Wow," breathed Nathan. "It was almost time for me to get a new laptop, anyway. My old one is slowing down."

His phone chimed.

Let me guess, Luigi had replied. U won the tournament?

Yup. Thanks to you, kinda.


"Sorry," Nathan apologized, putting his phone away. "Family members checking up on me, and all that good stuff."

"I find it quite touching that you're actually friends with your main," BooGene said craftily. "Oh, yes, Nathan—I know all about that. We Boos know everything."

BooGene put the laptop in a purple laptop sleeve and handed it to Nathan. "Take good care of this, okay?" he entreated. "This laptop—is very special. A special laptop for a special Smash player."

"You—really think I'm special?" asked Nathan.

"Indeed," BooGene replied. "Tomorrow's Halloween, you know. Are you doing anything special?"

"Probably—breaking in my new laptop," shrugged Nathan.

"I plan to spend my Halloween with my fellow Boos," said BooGene, "and as for my king's plans—he's gonna do some catching up with an old friend."

More Boos had floated into the venue, and now they began to cackle along with BooGene.

"But—you have fun with your new special laptop," BooGene went on. "After all—you've earned it."

More cackling.

The Boos then turned to the other spectators and tournament players.

"Thank you for joining us at our annual Halloween Smash Tournament," said BooGene. "We really hope you enjoyed yourselves. But now—it's time to go."

Exchanging looks, everyone gathered their things and left the venue as the Boos licked out their tongues and leered at everyone.

Nathan had his arm around Vicky as they strode to the former's car.

"A laptop, huh?" mused Vicky.

"It is strange," conceded Nathan.

"Just between us—I think you should be careful with that laptop," cautioned Vicky. "It's from a Boo, after all. And while Boos are cute on the outside—they're downright ugly on the inside."

"Say that again," said Nathan.

He took out his phone and sent Luigi another text: Have fun 2morrow.

I will, Luigi texted back. You bet I will.

Oh, if only they knew...

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