The Mad King

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November 1, 2019

1:22 a.m.

Regaining his power of motion, Nathan exited out of the erotic YouTube video and finally managed to open up his Skype app. He attempted to call Professor Gadd, only to get rejected. Nathan's stomach lurched. There was no question in his mind that the eccentric professor and inventor was under attack by the Boos.

"I need another drink," he muttered, heading back to the bar and ordering a martini.

Seconds after he had the drink in his hand, he heard someone walk towards him.

It was an airline employee, holding a laptop. "This is for you," she said.

Tentatively, Nathan took the laptop. "Thanks," he said.

The airline employee smiled a sugary smile before walking off.

Nathan sat at a table in the lounge and booted up the laptop to find, like the previous one, that it had already been configured for him. He signed into his Facebook, Google and Skype accounts before putting on one of his Google Play Music playlists to soothe himself. After another attempt to contact Gadd failed, he took a swig of his martini and opened up the Messenger app, wondering if he should try to reach out to Luigi. They were both still a little upset, after all.

He jumped at the incoming Skype call chime before answering it.

The two Toads appeared on the screen, the red-spotted one still in Nathan's living room and Blue Toad still in the ship's cabin.

"Hey, you two," he said.

"Hey, Nate—you okay?" asked Blue Toad.

"Yeah—are you two okay?"

"Yeah," said Blue Toad.

"Yeah," echoed Toad.

"Have you tried calling Professor Gadd?" asked Nathan.

Toad nodded. "No dice," he said.

"Maybe he was about to tell us something the Boos didn't want us to hear," said Blue Toad, "so they attacked him."

"I forgot to ask," Nathan said to Blue Toad. "Whose boat is that? And how far are you from shore?"

"This isn't a boat," said Blue Toad. "It's a restaurant in the hotel—a pirate-themed restaurant. It's called The Spectral Catch."

"You're—still in the hotel," said Nathan.

Blue Toad nodded.

"Sign into your Facebook account," instructed Nathan. "That way, you can use Messenger to try and reach out to Luigi. Hopefully, he can make a side-stop to rescue you before..."

"I'm on it," said Blue Toad, and Nathan could hear his fingers flying over the keyboard.

"Guess I'd better try to contact him, too," said Toad, also signing into his Facebook account.

"Want me to try video-calling him?" asked Blue Toad.

"I'm sure written messages will do," said Nathan.

"Okay." The two Toads fell silent as they composed their messages.

"Is is just me?" Toad asked finally, "or has this computer gone crazy?"

UnMained: CyBooNaturalWhere stories live. Discover now