Chapter 4

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I get home dropping my bay on the nearest chair.

"I'm home!" I shout

"Cher?" A feminine voice calls


"Mom?" I ask and she appears from the kitchen

"Mom! You're back!" I say and run to her hugging her tight.

She has been away for so about 4 months for a business trip

"I've missed you so much!" I say

"I've missed you too darling. Where's Elise?" She asks


"Mom!" Elise shouts and runs to mum

"Hey honey"

"Omi God! I've missed you"

"I've missed both of you so much but I'm glad I'm here with you now" she says

"Why are you saying that?" I ask

"Here's the thing... I'm here for a while" She says

"How long?" I ask

"About a week" she starts "Then I have to go back with your dad" She says and I sigh

"Can't you stay a while longer?"

"The fashion show is in two weeks I have to but after that, I'll be back here. Promise" She says and we hug her

"Who wants food?" She asks

"God I'm starved I feel like I could eat a million bulls!" Elise says

"When are you not hungry?" I ask and she gives me the middle finger.

"Elise!" Mom warns


I get to my room and change into a loose purple dress. I head downstairs and find my dad.

"Hey daddy"I say hugging him

" Hey fruit" he says and pecks my forehead

We start eating when...

"Mom, Dad, can I go for a party, but it's fine if you don't accept....." I say and my dad puts down his cutlery.


"What the Fuck!" Elise exclaims happyly

"Language Elise" My dad warns

"Honey that's great! I've waited so long to be asked that question!" My mom says and my dad nods.

"Thank you" I say and peck their cheeks.

"How about me?" Elise asks

"No!" My parents say in unison and Elise groans while I laugh.

I get upstairs and pick my phone and dial Luca's number.

"Miss me?" he asks and I laugh

"Not even a little. My parents agree with the party thing, but how will you pick me up?" I ask

"Jay or Jake will pick you up so that your parents don't get mad he says.

" Okay, So what do I wear? "

" Surprise me"He says and ends the call.

"Elise!! Mom!!" I shout and they barge into my room wide eyed together with my dad.

"What's up?"

"Are you okay?"

"Do you feel sick?"

"Should we call the doctor?"

"Are y...."

" I'm fine guys It's just that I don't have anything to wear"

"Oh" My mom let's out a breath."Gosh you scared me baby" she says

"I don't see the need of my presence now" My dad says and leaves

I take a shower and sit on my bed for a while.

My mom goes through my closet as Elise does my make up.

"Found it!" my mom says and turns around.

Did I have that?

A black sleeveless dress.

"Don't just stand there go put it on!" she says and hands it to me. I put it on and it reaches my mid thigh.

"Isn't this too short?" I ask

"It isn't stop being so paranoid. You look great!" Mom says"Right Elise? "

" Yeah"she says when the door bell rings

"That must be my ride"I say and my mom wiggles her eyebrows

I roll my eyes and pick up my sling bag.

We go downstairs and I find Jay.

" There she is"Dad says

Jay stands up and turns around. He winks at me before smirking.



Elise whistles and I look at her making kissing faces.

"So see you Mr, Mrs Watson,Elise" He says

"Shall we?" He asks and I nod

Once we're out....

"Fuck I am not doing that again!" he says and I laugh

"I liked it"

"Coz you aren't a teenage boy talking to you supposed girlfriends dad" He says

"It couldn't be that bad" I say

"I was" he says "We need to go, Luca is waiting"

We walk to the car just a few blocks from our house and I spot Luca standing by his car. He looks up and his eyes linger on my body before he comes back to his senses

"Meet you at the party" Jay says and gets into his car.

"You look... Amazing" Luca says letting out a breath

"Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself" I say

He opens the door to his car and I stare at him.



"You don't let anyone near your car" I say

"I choose you to be the first person to enter my car Ry"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I am" he says and I get in.

The ride to the party was silent as I looked outside the window. When we arrived, Luca turns to me.

"We have to make this look realistic Ry it's our only shot" Luca says and I nod.

"As long as you don't go around laying different girls" I say

"I won't" He says and opens his door and runs to my side opening my door.


"You ready?" he asks as he wrapps his arm around my waist.

"Yeah" I say.

Actually, I'm not really sure.....



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2019 ⏰

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