Graduation Ceremony; short but sweet

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Today was Izumi's graduation from senior year. It was supposed to be a festive day. Considering she got high honors for their batch, although she doesn't care about it since their batch has more than 50 high honor students which makes her award less mattering.

Hmm? You're wondering why I used the word "supposed"? Well, thing is, the only one who could attend the ceremony was her mom. Rin was having her own ceremony in her own school and her relatives were too busy to even come with her. It was always that way. Her mom had reassured her of the fact but she still couldn't help but think of it.

Izumi sighed. She felt 50/50 about everything. She was happy because she could finally graduate from this darned high school and move onto college after summer. While the other half of her felt disappointed because no one but her mom and her were attending the ceremony. She didn't bother contacting anyone from the apartment because they seemed to be busy anyway.

Even though I really wanted some -if not all- of them to see me in this graduation outfit and receive a medal onstage. But those guys it can't be helped. It has always been that way. During important events, the only one who would celebrate with me is my mom and myself.

She had thought this so as to not worry herself too much. But then again, she can't help but feel sad whenever she thinks of such things. And when I say sad, she means sad. There was no one who attended her grad, despite her friends promising they would.

"Let's go, Izumi."

She looks up to see one of her classmates, Xarah, calling her for their awarding ceremony. Aside from a diploma, she would be receiving a medal - which she doesn't care about too much seeing as more than 100 people of their batch received one.

Izumi nodded and followed her, walking to the side, the ceremony was proceeding slower than she expected. It's not like she hates it though. But even still, she wants it to be over and done with. She still have games to play, anime to watch and books to read after all.

Meeting up with her mom, she sighed while following the line up towards the stage

For some reason, this ceremony reminded her of the game she was playing recently, Persona 3...the characters had forgotten what they all had been through together but...they all reunited in Graduation Day

She was snapped out of her thoughts when she was walking towards the President of their School, the one who will award her her medal of recognition. When she was in front of the President, she smiled and bowed then was given her medal, her mom thanking the President


Those familiar voices that caught the attention of the entire venue made Izumi look up and rush to the middle of the stage. Her eyes widened when she sees who it was, it made her give the biggest smile to the camera

 Her eyes widened when she sees who it was, it made her give the biggest smile to the camera

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