Avreel Angelica Leviste

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"All about Avreel Angelica P. Leviste"

Name: Avreel Angelica P. Levista

Age: 19 years old

Mother's name: Shaney P. Leviste

Father's name: Nathane G. Leviste

bothe parents are Corporate King and Queen. they have electronic components business that is currently supplying high-technology smartphones with a touch of elegance. they conquer the oil and gas industry that is having a daily revenue of billions of dollars.. And aside from the two, they also conquered the fashion industry.

Others: currently enrolled at Scholastica Granger University. She is taking up Business Administration, and she is already in her third year level. She is an outstanding student even though she skipp class. She is a member and the Vice President of the group "Elites". She won the title Miss SGU Cutie for two consecutive years. She excel in different sports like swimming, teakwondo, and basketball. She also excel in different academic contests like Math quiz bee, and Spelling bee.  She is the heiress of Leviste group of companies and the CEO of a well-known fashion line at a young age.

In short, Avreel Angelica Leviste is SO DAMN PERFECT!! She is rich, pretty, and smart. She can do anything and have anything.. Name it, and she has it all. But there is only one thing that she doesn't have. She doesn't have LOVE. She doesn't know the feeling being LOVED and in LOVE. She believe that LOVE doesn't exist in her world. And she belive that LOVE is just a dirty trick to achieve the continuation of human species.



So this is Avreel Angelica P. Leviste. I give credit sa last sentence to http://sugarquotes.weebly.com/anti-love-quotes.html . I got a lot of "ANTI-LOVE qoutes their. So kung bitter ka sa love, padaan ka lang dun.. LOL :)

"The IT Girl and the Robin Hood"[under construction]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon