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Original Edition: Preface

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Time after time after time, I come back to this cold brick door. Sealed, as it has been for over a year now, as I know it must remain forever. I don't know why I keep doing this to myself. I know I can never open the door to Yesterday again. I can never have Kieren back. Never talk to Brady about the things we saw under the lake all those months ago. And never tell my brother Robbie how my heart broke every day that he was trapped in the abyss lurking behind these immovable bricks.

Maybe I come to this room the way some people visit gravestones. The three doors are all I have left of my loved ones now. The rough, hard rectangles and their merciless mortar, staring back at me. Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.

And me in the waiting room.

To open any of these doors is to open a pathway to death. I know this. And yet, it's as if they call to me.

No, I made my choice that night, my sacrifice. Could I undo it all just to have a moment back with my friends? What kind of a monster would that make me?

YesterWorld (Book 2 of the Down World Series)Where stories live. Discover now