Chapter IX

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Two weeks later...

Shayne's pov

I did not think that my life could be given greater reason than to make Courtney happy. But that changed once we had Daniel. Giving our son the best possible life was the new objective for myself and Courtney, which managed to bring us even closer then we already were. But little did we know that hardships from an external source would soon be upon us.

It was just after midnight when it happened. I knew this would have happened eventually, but it happening so soon was in no way anticipated. I sat up in bed with Courtney's body laid beside me and the crib of our two week/ three month old child in the corner of our room.

Me: Courtney? Courtney wake up!

Courtney: shayne? What time is it? Is the baby okay?

Me: it's 12:45 am, the baby's fine, but he won't be for long if we don't get out of here right now.

Courtney looked confused but also scared.

Courtney: what do you mean?

I pointed to the window of the room and Courtney got up to look outside it. Her face turned pale. She slowly turned to me and spoke.

Courtney: you don't think...

Me: yes Courtney, I one hundred percent believe that those are wolfebournes out there

Courtney hurried over to Daniel's crib and softly picked him up, making him wake up and begin crying as Courtney began to spread her wings. As she did this I shifted into my wolf form.

Courtney: we have to hurry.

We rushed to the door of the apartment and quietly stepped out. Courtney has her hand held over the baby's mouth so that it didn't cause to much noise. But as we stepped into the cool breeze of the night time hours, we were forced back into the house to avoid the wolfebournes who resided too close to our front door for comfort. But my heart sank to the floor as my strength got the better of me, making me slam the door loudly on accident. Myself and Courtney cowered in the corner of the room with Daniels head pressed against Courtney's chest as the wolfebournes found their way to the door and tore it open. Their eyes fell upon us and bloodthirsty souls shone through them. Courtney shielded herself with her wings and I held her close to me. This was the end, I could feel it. But then the wolfebournes heard a sound which got them off guard. The bawling of our child.

Courtney unshielded herself and the child. The wolfebournes looked at our child, seemingly confused, but they soon began advancing towards us. Little did they know that this would be the biggest mistake they could commit.

Daniel began bawling louder than before. His pitiful cries and wails echoed around the room, bouncing off and against the walls, before crashing into the minds of the rooms occupants. And then, our son began... glowing? I suddenly realised what was happening and quickly picked up Daniel and held him up to face the wolfebournes.

A truly blinding light spilled out of our sons mouth and eyes, as we were deafened by his cries. I squinted my eyes as they seared with poison from the bright light. Distantly I could hear the screams of the wolfebournes who had entered the apartment.

Then as suddenly as it had started, it stopped. The world around us seemed much darker now that the light from our son had dissipated. But as I looked in front of me, instead of the wolfebournes I expected to see, I saw big piles of dust in their place. I quickly grabbed Courtney's arm and pulled her up while holding the child in my other arm. Without saying a word, we headed quickly to the car and set off to who knows where. We drove around for a while, contemplating where we should go from here. Eventually we decided on a place where nobody would expect us to go.

We arrived at our old apartment about fifteen minutes later. As we reached the front door, we braced ourselves for what we would see inside.

Sure enough, the place had been ransacked. Just about everything had been strewn just about everywhere. I walked over to our old bedroom and peered inside. Yeah, no way we were sleeping in that now pathetic excuse for a bed. I returned to the living area with two big blankets. I proceed to create a flat space where I lay out the blankets delicately.

I climb under one and Courtney and Daniel under the other. Courtney looked over to me with great fear taunting her eyes.

Courtney: I'm scared shayne.

I sighed heavily.

Me: I know, and I am too. But don't worry, I know for a fact that it'll be okay. You want to know why Courtney? Because everything is okay when I'm with you. And I don't care what they do to us as long as we are together.

Courtney smiled and leans over to me before kissing me softly on the lips. She pulled away after a few seconds.

Courtney: I love you so much shayne.

Me: and I love you Courtney.

And with that we fell asleep holding each other with our baby resting peacefully between us

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