Chapter X

137 3 3

2 months later...

Courtney's pov

Well, Daniel is almost three months old now, making him technically one and a half years old. Parents seem to generally say the same old phrase as the next set of parents, which refers to the great speed at which their child matures or grows up at. I always thought that the commonly used phrase was no more then bullshit. But I guess myself and Shayne will never find or die to our child literally growing up so fast.

But that's not concerning me right now. Because today is the best day of my life. Today is the day, that I can show that the love I have within me reserved for Shayne is fairly similar to him, in the sense that it is undying. Today is the day that I stand here on the side of mount Vesuvius, about to get married.

Never in my pure wildest of dreams would I have thought I would end up with somebody like Shayne. Yet here I am, about to get married to the best looking, kindest, funniest and smartest person I know. And the best part of it all is that he sees me in the same way. He's always made me feel like the greatest woman alive, and now we could finally prove that to the entire world.

I stand here now, about to walk along the small pathway that meanders from where I stand, to the collection of people who stood at the end of it. These people included; olivia, who stood proudly as my maid of honor, Damien, standing to the left as Shayne's best man, the well dressed man in the centre of it all who had a marriage license, quietly waiting for me to make my way up the short dirt path. And finally the one person who I couldn't love less than anyone else in the world, my almost husband, Shayne Robert Topp.

Obviously my family basically disowned me, so beside me stops my older sister and the only person in my family who still spoke to me, Kari, stood beside me, about to walk me down the aisle. I felt the pool of excitement within me deepening after every step. Eventually I felt Kari's arm disconnect from mine and I found myself facing my meaning for life, Shayne Topp. I saw him begin to tear up and I did the same. We stood there staring at each other happily for what felt like an hour, but I didn't care. Staring at him for eternity would have left me in a state of content. But soon the voice that belonged to the man to marry us emitted from my right and soon we were saying our vows. Shayne went first.

Shayne: Courtney Miller, from the moment my eyes lay upon you, I knew I was in love. Sure, it took a while for me to do something about it, but I'm sure by now you are aware of my love for you by now. Then there was that faithful morning where I told you my darkest secret. And you didn't stay away from me as I would have expected. Instead you stayed with me through the next night, and then you found me in the forest, at my most dangerous of times. But you didn't run away as you rightfully should have done. You stayed, you comforted when I was at my most dangerous. Then we went to your apartment, and you showed me the part of you that you kept secret from the rest of the world. Then I told you what I thought of you, and if there is a god, then they must be thanked for making the kindest, most beautiful, smartest and funniest girl in the world fall in love with me. After all we've been through, I hope that you know that I will be with you until the very end.

Tears from my soul found my eyes and exited through them, running freely down my cheeks I began to speak my vows, but they seemed pathetic compared to Shayne's, however, they were good enough to leave shayne and everyone else in tears, and if it was enough for Shayne, then it was enough for me. Finally, the man to marry us spoke again, and spoke words I wouldn't forget.

"You may kiss the bride"

God it was amazing. It was the most passionate kiss we had ever shared. I put all my energy into it and he did the same. I heard everyone standing up and clapping and cheering, but that was just background noise, all that mattered right now to me was shayne, and all that mattered to him was me. Nothing can destroy us now. In the back of my head, there were worries about the wolfbournes and angels, and Daniel, but right now, I could just be content and happy in Shayne's arms, and focus on his soft lips pressed against mine with passion. We pulled away briefly and he rested his forehead on mine.

Shayne: I love you Courtney.

Me: and I love you shayne, for now and for always.

[a/n ❤️]

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