Chapter 5

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Her dads looked at her confused.

"Oh um haha yeah!" (Y/N) stuttered out "So Alfred may or may not be the entire country of America and he may or may not have invited me to a world meeting!"

America laughed, and her dads looked confused but let her go

"HELL YEAH DUDE!" the American shouted (because you're not also american)

~time skip to the meeting brought to you by my procrastination~

When America led- er dragged - (Y/N) into the meeting room, nobody seemed to notice. Except one really tall person.

"You shouldn't be dragging people on the floor, да"

He is taller than I expected, (Y/N) thought

America looked at the (unreasonably) tall Russian man. "AS IF YOU DON'T DO ANYTHING WRONG, COMMIE!"

"Please don't shout, America" (Y/N) muttered, her ears already having been destroyed on their way there.

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