New School, New Enemy, New Friend

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I woke up, got ready and went downstairs. Taehyung was there with a coffee in his hands. 

"Hey little sis, good morning" He said in his beautiful deep voice. I smiled and replied back to him.  

"Good morning Taehyung, what school am I going to?" I asked very politely. Taehyung nodded.

"You'll be going to Jungkook and my school, since you're only two years younger than us" he explained. I nodded and also greeted Jungkook who was slowly coming down the stairs.

"Good morning Jungkook, how was your sleep last night?"

"Yea, it was good. Whatever" he replied not caring. Taehyung rolled his eyes at Jungkook and then smiled at me.

We went in Taehyung's car since Jungkook was too young to drive. When we arrived at school I stood in awe on how the school was so big.

Taehyung and Jungkook left me, so I was alone. I was walking through the hallway which was very crowded, when I spotted a young girl crying who was getting bullied by these boys.

"Hey!" I said to them. "

Leave her alone!" The tallest one who looked like 'their leader' smirked at me.

"You must be new here sweetheart, I'm Park Jimin and no one interferes with me." His voice sent shivers down my spine, but I stayed strong. The scared girl turned to me with fear and amaze.

"Well pick on someone your own size, you don't scare me and you never will, so I suggest you get out of here, before things escalate to a level you can't handle."

I was just spewing out words by the second. While Jimin stood there at me shocked, he quickly changed expressions, smirking and leaned near my ear and said.

"I'll deal with you later kitten, I'll make you obey me one way or another." He left with his friends following him along. I helped the girl up and asked.

"What's your name?"

"Jennie" she said weakly. I helped her up and wiped off some dust on her dress.

"How did you do it?" She asked out of nowhere.

"Do what?" I replied suspiciously.

"How were you able to stand up to Jimin like that?"

"I don't like bullies, I didn't mean to say it to him that rudely, but I'll stand up for anything that isn't right."

"Well thank you, but you should really watch your back, Jimin always strikes back."

"Oh don't worry I will watch my back." I said.

We both walked to class after that and sat together. I could see Taehyung  sitting down talking to this girl who seemed to be his girlfriend.

They were intertwining their fingers together. I don't know why, but I felt a strong sting in my heart after I saw them together. I just shrugged it off and turned my attention to the teacher.

                        LUNCH TIME

the bell rung and Jennie and I hurried to one of the middle tables. Jungkook and Taehyung were sitting at the same table. I could see Taehyung wave at me telling me to come over. I shook my head and blushed.

         "Omg Y/n, you're so lucky. I can't believe your step brothers are the two most hottest Boys in the school, well besides Jimin" Jennie said. I rolled my eyes playfully and said back to her.

         "Hahaha yeah, anyways about Jungkook. He is kinda a pain in the ass, what's his problem?" Jennie was about to answer, when someone came up to us.

      "If it isn't little Mrs. pick on your own size" a familiar voice said. I turned around. Park Jimin and his annoying followers.

        "What do you want now Jimin, just leave us alone" I said rolling my eyes at him.

       "Not a chance, new girl. In fact here's a little payback for what happened this morning" he grabbed Jennie's strawberry smoothie and poured it all over my head.

I was a pink mess. Everyone in the lunch area started laughing and pointing at me. I took one long glance at Jimin before I left to the washroom.

My hair was soaking wet, but I got all the smoothie out of it, my shirt and pants were stained.

But good news, I smell like strawberries now!

No, not a good time for that, ok then.

The same girl who had been with Taehyung in class saw me and came towards me.

       "You totally deserved that. This is what you get for looking at my Taehyung oopa ." I looked at her in disbelief. This hoe really just said that.

       "Look Y/n" she said innocently. "I don't care if Jungkook or Taehyung are your step brothers, but you should know Taehyung is mine!" Then she slapped me hard and I fell on the floor. A huge stinging pain was on my left cheek.

         "Btw my name is Lisa and have a bad day, bitch" she walked away with her high heels clicking out the door. A few moments later, Jennie came in.

      "Omg y/n are you ok?!" She shouted.
I nodded, but she saw the huge red mark in my cheek.

         "Omg, Lisa did that, didn't she?" I nodded. "Ugh, she's such a bitch!" Jennie crouched down and went through her backpack until she found a strange looking bottle. She applied it on my cheek and it started to burn real bad.

      "Ahhhhhh" I winced in pain.

   "Sorry Y/n, it's gonna hurt for at least a few days. That bitch slapped you hella hard."

Jennie replied. After that whole scene at lunch, school was over. Taehyung picked me up.

It was about time for me to go to sleep and wake up for school tomorrow. Yay! *notice the sarcasm* I was yawning when a cold hand covered my mouth, and dragged me to a dark  room.

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