Chapter Nine

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Kai thought that keeping Nanami with them would be like having an out-of-control younger sister. He thought that they would have to run around the house, try to calm her down, or make her at least sit - but that was not how things went at all. 

Nanami was a really nice, organized, polite little girl. She had told them her age - seven, like Kai had thought - and then hadn't said anything else. She'd stayed in Shintaro's arms until the man sat down, then she snuggled up next to him and brought her knees to her chest. Shintaro looked slightly uncomfortable, but he soon relaxed and let her mess with the string on the sweater that he was wearing. She would occasionally mumbled something to Shintaro, which he would smile or nod to. After a little bit, Chase turned on the TV, realizing that Nanami was bored (she had been staring at her hands for ten minutes before the TV blinked on). They flipped to a good channel and found a kids' show for her to watch, which she enjoyed with a small smile on her face. 

When lunch rolled around, Nanami didn't ask for anything in particular. Abby kindly made her a sandwich, and Nanami ate it without complaints. She drank some water too, then returned to the couch to snuggle with Shintaro. Chase was sitting in the boys' room, reading a book, while Abby was sitting on Shintaro's other side, watching the show and Nanami. Linda was reading at their feet, her blanket stretched over her legs and her book on her lap.

Kai was sitting at the table, quietly eating a bunch of grapes. There wasn't really much to do, so he kept glancing sidelong at the TV, though he wasn't really sure what they were watching, nor did he care much.

Later in the day, there was a soft knock at the door. Kai perked up, thankful for something to do. He stood up before Shintaro could, waving at the man to show him that he would get it. Nanami curiously watched him pass, tugging gently on Shintaro's sweater. 

Kai opened the door and put on a smile. Ruby was standing there with a backpack slung over one shoulder, a stuffed cat in her left hand, a suitcase at her feet, and a few books balancing under her free arm. She must have knocked with her foot, because she was holding the books under her arm with her hand. She smiled at Kai, who dashed forward.

"I can help," he said desperately. Why hadn't she just asked for someone to come help her? He didn't know there would be this much. Her parents had passed, and Nanami seemed to be a girl who didn't have many possessions. 

But apparently he was wrong. 

Kai took the suitcase and the books, letting Ruby walk in first. Nanami spotted the pink stuffed cat and jumped off the couch, startling Shintaro. Nanami dashed up to Ruby and opened and closed her hands eagerly. 

Smiling, Ruby crouched and handed the cat to Nanami, who giggled and stuffed her face in the cat's side. She ran back over to Shintaro, flopped next to him, and showed him the kitty. Meanwhile, Ruby looked over at Kai.

"Where should I put her stuff?" she asked, looking around the house.

"I pulled out a blowup mattress for myself," Abby said, "so she can sleep on the couch." She smiled sweetly at Nanami and Ruby.

She didn't have to do that, Kai thought, but I somehow I knew she would. She's so selfless. That's one of the things I love about her, his mind added as he sighed at his girlfriend with a soft smile. 

Ruby nodded her head. "I guess I'll just set it down right here." She walked to the back of the couch and placed the backpack down leaning against it. Kai followed her with the books and the suitcase, lying the suitcase on its side and putting the books beside the case so she could grab them whenever she wanted. 

He noticed with a smile that one of the books was titled Pink Fluffy Kitties. So that was something she liked, apparently. Kai stood up and watched as Nanami took her cat and made it parade around Shintaro's lap. 

Ruby dipped into another slight bow. "Thank you again for doing this. I hope she isn't much trouble." 

"Oh no," Linda said. "She's absolutely fine." She threw Nanami a smile, and Nanami freely returned it while hugging her cat. "Thanks for the opportunity." 

Linda is such a mom, Kai couldn't help but think. It's hilarious and awesome

Linda turned to Kai and glared at him pointedly. "Is there something wrong with that?" she asked in his head.

Nah, Kai thought back. I like it. You feel like a mom to me, I guess. He turned around to walk away, but Linda's next reply almost made him choke on his own laughter. 

"Yep, and Chase is the overprotective older brother, Shintaro is the dad, Falte is the goofy uncle, and Abby is the cute girlfriend." 

Kai had to freeze in place and squeeze his eyes shut to try not to burst out laughing. That was almost accurate, except that Falte was his father. But somehow Shintaro felt like a dad too, maybe another older brother. Kai wasn't sure. Chase was definitely the overprotective brother, and Abby was definitely the cute girlfriend. Linda was almost obviously the mother, but Kai was wondering if Shintaro really was the dad. He hoped Linda realized what she had just said. Kai already knew that she had a thing for Shintaro, so she might have said that without realizing it.

"You WHAT?! You really think that?"  Linda screamed in his head, and Kai had to turn around to see her red face. 

I knew from the start, Linda, Kai thought back, repressing a giggle. Don't worry, I don't mind. Actually, I'm absolutely fine with it. I don't think Shintaro is the guy that will make any moves, so you've got to be the one that tells him.

Abruptly and with a red face, furrowed eyebrows, and a thin frown, Linda shot up from her spot, throwing her book aside. She turned around and walked away, disappearing around the hall. Kai watched her leave with a triumphant grin.

"What in the world was that?" Shintaro said from his spot on the couch. "Is she alright?"

Kai had to clench his hands tightly to keep from bursting into a delighted smile, one which was unfamiliar on his face unless he was really happy. And he was, because he thought Linda and Shintaro were perfect for each other. 

"She's fine," Kai replied shortly. 

"Alright, what were you two talking about?" Shintaro asked accusingly, giving Kai the raised eyebrow. 

"Nothing," Kai said with a shrug. "At least, nothing that I should share. It's not my place to say." With this, he turned around and walked into the kitchen, even though he wasn't looking for anything in particular. As soon as he was out of sight, he collapsed into a fit of silent laughs. He couldn't believe Linda didn't realize that he knew already. She was hilarious when she was embarrassed. 

Linda really was like a mom to him.


Here's the next chapter! I hope y'all like it! 


I hope you all are liking these Shinda moments, LOL. Can't help but make them because this is almost my FAVORITE SHIP EVER.

Anyways, until the next chapter!! 

Love y'all!! 


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