no fear one fear || drabble

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akira and ryuji were relaxing in their comfy apartment. ryuji playing a video game, sitting on the floor, while akira sat on the couch ryuji was leaning on, reading a book.

akira was in the middle of flipping a page when he looked at the wall. he saw a black dot, not paying much mind and turning back to his book, until he got a second look. his head snapped towards the wall again, and he scrambled away so fast he fell off the couch. he was already all the way by the tv ryuji was playing his game on by the time he yelled, "holy FUCK THAT IS A HUGE SPIDER!"

ryuji stared at him for a second before turning around. he saw the small house spider. he turned his attention back to the terrified man next to the tv. "dude, just kill it..?"


"what? no!"

"WHY!?" akira yelled, pointing at ryuji.

"you're the one who noticed it!" ryuji set down the ps4 controller, standing up.

"YEAH, AND!?" akira shot back, clinging to the wall as if he himself were a spider.

"so kill it!"

"but i'm scared!" akira admitted, though there was really no need to.

"the hell, dude... you've fought monsters and have almost been killed multiple times by them, yet you're scared of a tiny spider?"

"j-just... c'mon please!" akira pouted.

"no. do it yourself!" ryuji argued.

akira then got an idea. "...i'll buy you ramen if you kill it..." he bribed.

"dammit, he's got me... is it worth it to kill the spider just for ramen?" ryuji thought. he ultimately chose the ramen. "who could pass up a deal like that?" he justified in his mind.

"alright, fine, i'll kill it."

"thank you! my god..."

"careful there, don't wanna make us fight another one," ryuji chuckled at his own joke. "alright, asshat, give me a magazine or somethin'."

akira gave him an old magazine he had already finished reading through. "meanie..."

"i'm killin' the spider, ain't i?" ryuji took the magazine, rolling it up slightly and slapping the wall where the tiny spider was.

"good point." akira kissed ryuji's cheek as he stepped off the couch, causing him to blush.

"y-yeah, whatever."
i'm terrified of spiders but if someone offered to buy me ramen for either killing it or taking it outside i'd do it

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