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Error walks into inks room, in which he hated because of the rainbow of color, he walked towards Ink and saw him with a rainbow blush on his face, enough to make error feel a bit concerned. "I-I-ink-k" error said, attempting to wake him up. "Are y-you feeling o-o-okay?" "Not r-really" Said ink, shivering. "But I m-mustn't take a day off! There's universes to see and-" ink sneezes. "You might h-h-have caught w-w-w-what-t I had." Glitched error. "God damn, my skull is throbbing." Whined ink. Error knew that ink only cussed when he was mad, or in pain. Error wanted to stop himself from walking over to care for him but he couldn't, and he went over and felt inks skull, and not much to his surprise, he had a bug. "Y-y-y-you're skul-l-l is pretty-y warm I-I-ink." Said error, concerned. "I-I've never seen you (cough) concerned for m-m-me like this b-before." Said ink smiling a bit before he went into a coughing fit. Error patted his back to help him get it out and then replied with
the simple, beautiful words of.."s-s-shut u-up-p ink..". error walked downstairs to grab some medicine for the sick ink sans, and then error proceeded to give ink the medicine, until ink refused to eat it.. then sh* got real. "T-T-TAKE THE F-F-**** MEDICINE-E-E INK!!!" "N-NOoo!!!" "Y-YES-S-S!!" That argument went in for a while until ink finally got too weak to even speak and then error shoved the Tylenol in his mouth and yeah, that happened. 𝕓𝕚𝕘 𝕠𝕠𝕗. "Alright I took t-the d-damn medicine.." gagged ink, trying not to puke, and he didn't know if it was from how gross the medicine was or how gross he felt. Error saw him gagging and he quickly grabbed a bucket and gave it to ink and he threw up, you guessed it. He pukes ink. "And y-y-you were the one t-t-telling-g-g me my puke w-was-s gross." Said error, giggling a bit. "I g-guess I did huh.." Said ink before then proceeding to puke in the bucket. "Y-y-you...just go back to sleep." Then ink fell asleep right beside error. ;3

Different Sans AUs getting sick because why not✨Where stories live. Discover now