Dusts fever

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Dust was the first one up. Nightmare was still asleep, error woke up way earlier from a nightmare and just fell back asleep. Horror and killer were still asleep as well. Dust felt achy and stuffed up that morning, despite not having a nose, but decided to take some cold meds and move on. Dust knew If nightmare knew, he'd go into father mode. Which of course, the him and the boys liked the sort of fatherly instinct that nightmare had, but When nightmare did get like that- he always worried a lot.

Dust took the cold meds and sat on
The couch, sharpening a glowing purple bone with a knife. He felt sort of dizzy, like he had spun around 10 minutes straight.

A couple minutes later, footsteps are heard down the hallway coming from nightmares room. Dust tried his best to wipe all the fever sweat off his skull, but it just kept coming—so he resorted to just making sure his hood was more over his face than usual.

Nightmare appears down the hallway, and immediately has his eye set on dust. Dust knew that nightmare saw something was wrong, so he attempted to try and start up a conversation to distract nightmare from it.

Dust: m-morning nighty.

He immediately knew he shouldn't have when he realized how shaky and scratchy his voice sounded, and how much it hurt to speak. Dust tried to hold in the urge to cough.

Nightmare: is something wrong dust? You look a bit—

Dust: I'm fine n-nightmare.

Nightmare: Don't Interrupt me. What I was trying to say, was that you seem shaky. And I feel a lot of negative energy coming from you. Way more than usual.

Dust couldn't hold it in anymore and as soon as he wanted to speak... it just all came out.

Dust: I-I'm—*cough* f-f—*coughing* I'm— *more coughing* I'm f-fi—*coughing*

Nightmare is then filled with concern, and walks over to dust to check his temp. He sets a tentacle on dusts head and pulls it off after only 3 seconds. Dust was sick as hell! He scoops dust in his arms

Nightmare: dust. Don't hide shit like this from me again. When your sick, I want to know automatically. Not later, not soon, immediately. Got it?

Dust: *coughing* y-yeah—*breathe* I- w-will..*sniffle*

Nightmare goes into dusts room and sets dust on the bed, and grabs a cold rag to put on dusts head.
Dust flinches at how cold the rag was.

Dust: I-I d-don't...l-like..t-thissss...

Nightmare: I know it sucks, but you gotta have the rag on your skull so you can get better.

Dust just nods his head slowly, and attempts to sleep. Nightmare walks out of the room and wakes up everyone else to send them off to do some thing's for him.

Nightmare: Ight peeps out the door.

Killer groans.
Killer: niggghhhtttyyyy. It's 2 in the morniinnngg!

Nightmare: ù^ú I don't give a shiet leave my sight.

Error: b-b-bro how c-come-ome dusty g-gets to sleep i-i-in?

Nightmare: dust is sick, so dust is staying home.

Horror: snrk—you really do care about us don't ya?

Nightmare: horror, shut your damn mouth before I fuckin break your legs so you can have your ass stay home too.

Horror: *smile* fair enough.

Nightmare: annnnyyywayyy, go ahead and get to what I told you to do.

Da bois: Ight nighty.

They walk out the door, and nightmare shuts it behind the door. Nightmare starts humming a dark
tune about breaking legs as he starts making some soup for dust if he feels up to it.

(Time skip)

Nightmare finishes the soup and brings it to dusts room. When he walks in, he sees dust fast asleep.

As much and nightmare didn't wanna wake him up and interrupt his much needed rest, he had to give him the soup. So nightmare wakes up dust to give him the soup.

Dust: w-wha? O-oh. It's j-just you.

Nightmare: *chuckle* well duh, last time I checked I'm the only goopy one here.

Dust: o-oh yeah, is t-that soup?

Nightmare: yep. eat up.

Dust takes the soup from the tentacle that had it, and starts eating the soup.

Dust: t-thanks nightmare.

Nightmare: *slight smile*No problem dust. Now get some more rest will you? When you wake up you should feel a bit better.

Dust: Ight nighty, c-cya later.

Nightmare: see ya later dusty.

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