The First Kiss

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Finally the day had come, although neither of the two had expected that all began with a simple comment and a couple of jokes, they know that it's the moment. The boys are very nervous, a awkward silence invades them and they don't know what to do. They know that one of them will have to take the first step.

Seated in the ground with half back supported in his bed is the human. The poor is invaded by hundreds of thoughts:<< Will be okay if i start it? Will he thinks i'm going too fast or i'm being very aggressive? Or even worse, Will he thinks i want to take advantage of him? And what if i am wrong and do something badly? If for that the things don't go back to the way they were before and i annoy him and lose what we have? I couldn't live like this and less forgive me for hurting him. But, should i be who takes the reins of this? Well, I am the big, it is supposed to be what is expected of me, isn't it? But that is what is expected of the biggest it doesn't mean that it has to be like this or to be the correct...>> He can't look his own face, but the borrower can see him become white meanwhile his thoughts still running his head and they make him even more nervous than he was.

Next to him is the little borrower sitting on his bed. He is a little more determinate that the shy and paralyzed human, but still the ideas and prejudices in his mind don't leave him alone:<< I'm the little here, should i let him take the initiative? Or maybe, could i take the initiative? Our sizes shouldn't interfere in the decisions or actions that we do... It's not like if it's written in somewhere how the relations must work strictly and, neither are a rule unwritten. Further, a human and a borrower together, yes, that breaks with all rule! Nobody should ge tinto our lives and judge how we live it, we will do what we want and the best that suits us!>>.

Then the little fills with courage, anyway, why should he feels ashamed when he always was the one more determined of the two and his partner, the big, always was the more undecided of them? It's not that the human acts like this for their size difference, he always had been like this before, even with those of the same size. Although this situation is new for both, the borrower calms down. In the end, they still are themselves, only that they will take another step in their relationship. Does that have to change their personality or attitude? No, of course not. It will only bring them closer to each other. Even, maybe, with these little steps, the smallest helps the biggest in his fight for overcoming his shame, no longer with the others, but when they are alone.

Of course, he has to be the one who takes the initiative, all for the well-being of his partner. He loves him and he knows him very well, he already does what he wanting to please his request knowing how bad he pass this when the shame hits him. He wants this be a good time for both remember, he wants to help his biggest partner, he wants to be someone for him to lean on, metaphorically, and he wants to protect him of everything, even if he is small, the least he can do he will do; but, above all, the least he wants, is that the culprit of that his smile disappear be he. He could never forgive himself!

Free of any thought, the borrower throws himself determined, without hesitating in the least, to the lips of his boyfriend, who is still lost in his thoughts and he doesn't realize the movement of his little boyfriend. Just when the borrower plants his tiny lips in the human's lower lip, this is taken by suprise and he escapes him a small gasp, barely audible, but high enough for the borrower to hear it. The little one laughs a little bit for the moment, also before the reaction who thinks that it is very adorable by the big and for the pinch of shame that invades himself. Then he closes his minuscule eyes and just leave that his tiny lips feel his boyfriend's big and fluffy lips .

When the human realizes what happens quickly try to relax, closes his eyes and lets everything happens by own account. Just in that instant, any negative thoughts that invaded his head disappears and, simply, he gets carried away for the moment. Although he is still nervous and his shame can see to kilometres, he gently puts one hand on the bed and another behind her miniature boyfriend, which thanks with a simple gesture to settle closer to him, in his hand and his lips. This little act makes him jump his heart that floods his whole body with a warm feeling. The little one places a hand, the better he can, in one of the cheeks of the human and one leaves him to rest right over on his lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2019 ⏰

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