chapter ten

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Chapter ten

Lia returns to titan tower And meets raven and finds her really cool and that they can be friends 

Raven thinks lia being away from jason is a good thing and tells that jason might not be the guy for her and And gives her more advice 

Lia takes the advice And goes over her options of staying here in the 21st century with jason or go back to the 31st and be with a guy on her level

Lia decides that breaking up with jason might be good for her health And asks for advice 

Lia talks with clark and lois And they tell her to follow her heart 

Lia tells jason that they can't go out anymore when  He asks why she tells him that be is changing into someone she doesn't like

Jason is mad that lia broke up with him And tries to win her back but then Jason fails at winning lia back And so  he enlist help from clark to help him win lia back 

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